Oct 10, 2013 10:40
This has been one of those weeks when a normally laid back personality, such as myself, would find it so irritating that in general that person would be so enraged that thoughts of throttling people would completely consume them.
To understand why it is that I find myself feeling so murderous...I'll have to begin with what I found on my gate on sunday morning. On my gate was a notice from my apartment manager claiming that I had shorted them on the rent. My immediate reaction was.. What the hell!! ... So I put it my purse, cause I was on my way to church, and pulled up both my checkbook and my account on my phone and found that yes I had written the check for the correct amount. This ticks me off so much that worship in church is a complete loss and I'm too busy writing a very stern letter of reply in my head. When I get home i write said letter and drop it in the rent slot because they're not there on Sundays. Monday goes by no reply. Tuesday...again something's tucked in my back gate... It's a three say notice to pay up and manager claims that her accounting is correct and I'm wrong because according to what she has I'm supposed to be paying for water and garbage now. This fee is not listed in the statement of account that she provided to me....
By now of course I've started looking for other places to live because a reputable company would not pull this kind of shit. I'm so hopping mad that I can't even concentrate enough to study for my class on Wednesday.
Just to explain.. It's has been the policy at the place I live that water and refuse are a part of the rent, not an extra charge. The extra charge gets assessed only to the bigger units.
So, having worked for a lawyer for a number of years I know better than to leave her with cause for eviction, I fork up the extra charge and write her another note to let her know that I am not happy and that the matter is not finished and that if they are going to change policies they need to provide me with something in writing.
Since she's been such a coward so far and not spoken to me about anything, even though I left her a very upset message on her phone. I expect that another little message will be waiting for me on my gate and I will be having a conversation with her in person that will not go calmly.
Right now I'm just too pissed off to deal with her in anything but yelling.
life update,
via ljapp,