
Sep 12, 2013 00:49

I was delighted to find that Digimon is on netflix...the original series..first and second seasons.

It brings me back to being that 13 year old girl that was in love with Yamato. Gods, those days were fun.

I think somewhere deep down, there is still that thirteen year old that loves that character, and that show is still just as awesome as it was back then. And now I understand it so much better now that I'm older, and have an appreciation for characters that I didn't have back when I was 13.

Like now, I just think Joe Hida is just freaking adorable! And Koushiro is just awesome and bad ass. ( Izzy)

Sora still has a very special place in my heart, as does her hubby, Yamato.

Hikari...omg, she's a medium...and a psychic. Holy smokes.

And Takeru is a bad ass. Little kid...a freaking badass. That kid was able to stand on his own even more so than his brother thought. Very seldom did that little guy put up with crap. He is a BAD ASS.

I forgot how adorable Mimi is! Especially in season two. She's just so sweet. She's very into her looks, but she's nice and she's always honest. She kind of reminds me of a Rarity and AppleJack Love child.

Oh great...now it's time for me draw the digidestined as My Little Ponies. Why did I just do this to myself?

Anyhoo, Digimon is probably one of my all time favourite anime next to Sailor Moon. I loved it even more so than Pokemon. The jokes, the story, the lessons learned. Just awesome.
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