
Dec 13, 2006 21:32

Title: Pride
Theme: #15 Solitude
Pairing/Characters: Shishido Ryou X ???
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or any of its characters


Silence. Solitude. Absolutely no words have been exchanged between them for about a week. They pretended that the other person did not exist when they happened to meet. She did not wait for him after his tennis practice. He did not send her home after school. No text messages or calls were made to each other. This can be called a “cold war”.

It all started exactly a week ago, when they had their first major quarrel. Both of them were headstrong types who refused to concede defeat, and hence none of them gave in. In the end, nobody remembered who was right and who was wrong. None wanted to be the first to apologise; their pride was at stake. Just as both were headstrong and hated to lose, both were just as proud and obstinate.

“Shishido-san.” Ohtori said. “It’s just a lover’s tiff isn’t it? Just quickly make up with her!” he urged.

“Why should I?” Shishido retorted, showing his stubborn side. “I’m not in the wrong, and why should I apologise first!”

“Shishido-san!” Ohtori tried to convince him. “In these cases men should take the initiative to apologise!”

“Then why can’t she apologise?” Shishido argued.

“Shishido-san…” Ohtori heaved a sigh of defeat. Both of them were as stubborn as a mule; no one wanted to give in.

Shishido did not want to admit it, but he missed her badly. Truth to be told, he was no longer angry with her. He had forgotten why they had quarrelled and also why he was so angry with her. Now he just wished everything would go back to normal as before. All he had to do was apologise, but his darned pride did not allow it.

“Argh!” Shishido was frustrated. If he wanted his pride, he would not be able to call her or meet her face-to-face and apologise. He knew a text message would not do any better too, all because of his pride. He didn’t know it, but she was experiencing the exact same thing as him. The two lovers have already forgiven each other, but neither of them was willing to take the first step due to useless pride.

Shishido rested the back of his head on his intertwined palms. “Do I really want to lose her just like that?” he thought. He sat up in his bed.

“Nothing will come out of this.” Shishido muttered to himself. “I must do it.”

Shishido knew the first step was the hardest, but he still had to do it. He chose the way which he thought was the easiest, giving her a card saying “I am sorry”.

“Beats calling her and saying sorry on the phone…” he said to himself as he went out of the house to get the card.

Shishido had morning practice the next day so he could slip the card into her locker without her noticing. He knew that she had physical education in the third period and that was when she would open her locker and see his card. Shishido had written a simple “Gomen nasai” on the card. He hoped everything would be fine as he slipped the card into her locker and got ready for morning practice.

Shishido was unable to concentrate in class. He wondered if she would see his card and forgive him. The second period would only end in another 15 minutes. It would take her about 5 minutes to get to her locker and open it and see the card. He twirled his pen absent-mindedly as the teacher went about his lesson.

The bell rang signalling the end of the second period. The class stood up and bowed to thank the teacher. That was when Shishido felt a vibration in his bag. Reaching inside, he took his cell phone out and flipped it open. It showed: “1 new message”. He wondered who would send him a message at this time of the day.

Shishido opened his message and found out that the sender was her! He was surprised. She was a person who did not secretly use her cell phone during class because she respected the teacher and also did not want it to be confiscated. He looked at the clock; lessons had just ended which meant she sent it immediately after the second lesson. The message read: “Gomen nasai!” and at the end of it was a girl bowing, as if saying sorry.

Shishido gave a smile. He knew she hadn’t seen his card yet. He wondered what emotions would be displayed on her face when she discovered his card.

Shishido was having such a silly smile plastered on his face while staring at his phone that it did not escape the notice of his neighbours.

“Hey Shishido!” A boy sitting to his left went closer to him. “What’s that you’re reading? Is it from your girlfriend?” he teased.

“With that kind of face, it must be!” a boy sitting on his right joined in the teasing. “Or is it another girl? I’m going to tell your girlfriend!” he said jokingly.

“Stop it you guys!” Shishido punched them playfully. He was in a good mood today, and that smile on his face proved everything.

5trueloves, fanfics, my love story, shishido ryou, prince of tennis

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