Late post is late. Happy New Year!

Jan 03, 2010 18:58

Just got back from the middle of ye olde NOWHERE (i.e. some quiet valley in Washington County, MO). I like spending time there but after two days of dry COLD and nothing to do other than read, sleep, eat, or walk around outside in said COLD, things get old. And we were there for five.

My parents really enjoy it because it gives them a break from their never ending work lives and I understand that. I was happy that we got some time off in the beautiful deserted countryside, my mom needed it especially. She's been through a hell of a lot this year, and I worry about her. It was annoying being cut off from my friends and the internet though (my only source of DA news). At least I didn't miss anything important like access' marriage announcement. I know I would've gotten like 694853 texts from Rachel but we weren't lucky enough to have that blessed thing called cell phone reception out there.

Speaking of Rachel, best of luck with her roofing troubles! Keep Sasha safe from the scary repair man (and the disheveled room of disaster). AND KUDOS to her for one of the best Christmas presents EVER: A 1st edition copy of CROSSBRIDGE!!!! I knew it was coming but even so I was like foaming at the mouth as I unwrapped it. THANK YOU DEARIE!!!!!!!!

Other Christmas present highlight is a copy of Snow Leopard System software for my Mac, which was very needed and appreciated, and an external hard drive! My precious music library is now safely backed up (along with those stupid homework assignments and papers). Thank you Dad! My mom also gave me some pretty clothes, comfy PJs and a copy of the latest SLCC CD collection (bawwwww nostalgia). Friend gift exchange was fun too, Brad gave me a mini calligraphy kit which I tried out last week and had fun with, a handmade ornament from Melissa and the CUTEST messenger purse from Andie (among other things)! Thank you, loves!

On to New Year's meme from Rachel's LJ (patipati )

1. Did you meet any of your resolutions?
2. What if any, major events occurred this year?
3. Have you made any life altering decisions?
4. What was the best thing that happened this year?
5. What was the worst?
6. Are there any resolutions you want to see through to the end in 2010?
7. What fandom did you get into this year?
8. What fandom did you get out of this year?
9. If you could have one wish come true next year what would it be?
10. Tell us your most important resolution for the next year.

1. I don't recall making one. *laughs* I guess if I did, that means I didn't meet it. xD

2. Let's see......last season of Varsity high school swimming ended with fun memories and some new personal records, I GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL, I graduated from the St. Louis Children's Choirs (T__T), I finished my Divemaster certification, survived my first semester at college (right now it seems like a dream), Daichan read my email on Neo Age and acknowledged my existence, my grandfather passed away (LOVE YOU PAPA), making new friends like Rachel, Brandon, Jessica, Chris, Addison, Emily, and so many others!

3. Err.....does deciding to go to college count? LOL

4. The best thing.....tied between three things. Graduating from high school, DA reading my letter and recognizing me, and my "new" friends.

5. Papa dying and the weird depression that accompanied this time. November was mostly hell.

6. I would like to get healthier and find some motivation to lose a bit of weight. I want to learn to love myself a bit more. I Want To Go To Japan And Meet DA.

7. Kingdom Hearts, Vocaloid (not as much as Rachel but still xD)

8. um. I don't think any. The only fandom I really keep up with is DA Family. If I ever get out of that then it's because I died.

9. DA/access coming to our continent (or at least Metaverse becoming available in the NA lands) and for something other than FC, like an actual TOUR

10. To get to Japan, to lose weight, and to get through freshman year at Eckerd.

meme, new year, holidays, upland wings

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