Aug 18, 2008 02:02
Why does it have to take so long to get from Seattle to Vancouver, BC?
D and and I were up at 4.15 this morning for flights leaving at 6.30am. I then arrived at SeaTac at 11am, but the next shuttle did not leave until 1pm. I arrive in d/t Vancouver ~6.10, which means I'll get to John's place closer to 7pm.
but, I saw Denali looming on the horizon, the rare and elusive Beluga whale ( a whole pod! ), I stroked a glacier, and most importantly,
I saw Daniel.
Anchorage is an ugly city surrounded by magnificent landscapes of hulking mountains, all-kinds of blue sea, and slopes upon slopes of green.
No bears! There were two maulings just while we were there.
We did spot a moose and a ~10 year old kid riding a unicycle on the shoulder of th