
Feb 06, 2008 21:01

I'm learning to embrace the loneliness, and appreciate the unrushed nature of my days. As I have been sick for a while, and it is the kind of sick that requires staying out of the cold and wet for a few weeks while the lungs heal, there has been no dancing or evening social events (except one odd dinner). No swimming or yoga class, certainly no biking, and even walking quickly produces a series of coughs that threaten my ability to remain vertical.

It feels rather Emily Dickinson-ish.

Yet, in one evening:
-making dinner
-catching up on e-mail
-two loads of laundry
-preparation for an all-day dyslexia seminar
-locating two articles for that drat genocide paper*
-relishing a lovely, verbose letter
-getting to bed by 11.30

And of course, petting the cat.

*I finally figured out how to care about this. I'm examining the moral reasoning involved in the various justice processes used after genocide has been committed. This seems more likely to be useful than a paper on the philosophical reasoning used to commit genocide.
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