On Halloween

Nov 01, 2009 14:24

Laurel and Dan
Originally uploaded by akashayiI love Halloween. I love the act of dressing up in costume, and playing parts. I went to the Night of the LADEAD as a necromancer. Tied a rope corset with some added assistance, made some glowing scrolls, painted and grunged up some plastic skulls.

Laurel was made up like a Serial Killer, and she 'killed' Dan, gash in the side of his neck, the both of them covered in fake blood. When you have to drag an unexpected (or expected) corpse around, a necromancer comes in handy, so I took the trouble to bring him back as a zombie. He deftly played the part of a zombie, staying in character most of the night. Good fun was had, I spent parts of the night infusing him with mana to keep him moving and casting turn undead and such. At one moment, he was looking particularly stiff so I snuck up behind him to cast some dark magic, when I noticed a sudden glint appear in his hand. A ring! He got down and proposed to Laurel as a zombie! "raraaaaa..maaaarry meeee".

Most unique and amusing proposal experience I've yet witnessed. Not that I've bore witness to many.
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