What drives me nuts on my Friends Page:
*Extremely long uncut posts cluttering up my page.
*Music that starts playing every time you refresh the page. Cuts or a player that doesn't automatically start would be NICE, people.
Both seem to be happening ALL THE TIME lately and it's really driving me to murder.
*sighs in frustration*
And I forgot to show off
this bracelet banner made by cemicool @ ffnet. I linked to it instead of putting it in my post, because my layout is narrow and it would look stupid.
EDIT: Was just defriended by one of the people who did the music thing. Defriended her right back. I'm sorry, if you can't take any kind of critique -- especially the kind that isn't directed at you on any level that is personal and I do believe I never mentioned any names -- then I have no use for you anyway. Defriending seems extremely unnecessary, but whatever. Have a nice time annoying people on your f-list and defriending those who have anything to say about it.