Me: So, since we're two weeks further along it's not like that (turns page in pregnancy book with many pictures) but like this. Oh, look, it has arms and eyes and everything. And a heartbeat.
Maz: (gapes) Damn, they gain exp fast at that level!
Me: I don't want sex! Sex makes me pregnant!
Maz: Well, there are other options that don't make you pregnant...
Me: Yeah, well, tough luck. No reason to do that now!
Me: Hey, Maz?
Maz: Yeah?
Me: Would you like to have a baby?
Maz: Hummm (takes his time)
Me: (pokes him)
Maz: We could do a bit of practice?
Me: (glares at him)
Maz: And then readdress it in a couple of years...
Me: (pouts) You're horrible.
Maz: (laughs)
Me: I hope it's twins!
Maz: You're lovely.
Me: You realize I'm going to be a hippo soon, right?
Maz: Hmm... but you'll get bigger boobs, right? (Note: I'm a DD!!)
Maz: My mother called to hear if you were nauseous.
Me: Your mother called... just to hear if I'm nauseous?
Maz: (a bit sarcastically) Yep, she just asked that and then she hung up.
Me: I knew it! She's been waiting for ages to gloat!
Nosy stranger #143: So, how is your pregnancy going?
Me: Nosy stranger #143: Oh. I hope you don't think of me as a nosy stranger...
Me: ...
Me: (unprovoked at dinner) BRAT!!!
Maz and his brother Lasse look up at me, then Lasse looks questioningly at Maz.
Maz: She does that sometimes, she means both you and me and the baby.
Me: Darn right I do! It's an Area of Effect, if you stand too close, you'll get hit!
Lasse: Oh. Bummer.
Me: (smirks)
Me: It's a very wilful brat already, it doesn't like herring or homework.
My father: Well, I don't know about the herring, but sounds to me like it's the mother that doesn't like homework.
Me: No, honest, it makes the baby sick!
Me: It would be easier to make this presentation if I weren't nauseous.
Classmate: You're pregnant!!! Haha!
Me: Well...
Classmate: Wait, so does that mean you are pregnant?
Me: Yup.
Classmate: Well, congratulations, then!
Me: Thanks. To be honest I don't like it very much at this point. It's making me fatigued and nauseous. Brat.
Classmate: You know, I still haven't decided if it's true or if you're just trying to shut me up.