Just three short notes.
1) I did try and make that community-thing, because I realized that the pro's actually outweigh the cons. I'm trying to make it REALLY user-friendly with tons of navigational options for the chaptered fics, though, PLUS I'm actually proof-reading Silencio as I post it, so it'll take a while to get it up-to-speed. The reason why I'm not really sharing the name of it right now is that I would really spam your friend's page if you were watching it. Think about it - I still have 13 chapters of Silencio and 30-odd chapters of Bracelet to put up.
2) It's
mazvn's birthday in five days. I'm writing a one-shot for him. And it's TOTALLY by his request, so don't blame me for its contents!!!
3) Bracelet update will be tomorrow.
Don't tell me I'm not efficient!