Note to self: Do not post chapters while passing out. I THINK I caught most of the formatting stuff but I initially posted it as chapter 31. It was 32, dammit, 32. I can't even count anymore.
I have been nominated for Dramione Awards.
I'm a tiny bit puzzled, though. Someone nominated The Bracelet for the The Way It Should Be - Best EWE?, Epilogue Ignored (G8) category. Although it's always flattering to be nominated for something, I was not eligible and I had to tell the mods that XD
Nominations that have been seconded:
Both Master and Taste of Your Kiss for Best One-Shot. Gee. Thanks. This means they'll ask me which one I want it to be and I'll have to choose between my popular, disgusting dark rape-fic or my bland fluff piece that I consistently refer to as sillyfic. You couldn't just have gone with the smut like you usually do? XD (Ok, ok, I'm surprised but I'm still flattered and happy)
The Bracelet for Best WIP. Not a lot to say here but YAY thanks :) I'll have to compete with
kerri240879 my lovely lover. I'm sure we mutually wish that the other one ultimately gets second place ;) I haven't read any of the other WIPs but I look forward to doing so. I'm going to vote this time, after all.
The Bracelet for Best Snark. YAY!!! I was just thinking the other day that I needed to make him more snarky so I could get that nomination XD Oh, yes, I count a nomination as a win. Because, at the end of the day? There can't be enough actual winners. So, yes. Each nomination is a win for me and I'm really pleased about this one *grin*
The Bracelet, Chapter 29 for Best Kiss. YAY again XD Although I have to compete with
kerri240879 again. *grins* Just goes to show, hun... We ARE very much alike! :)
And finally (well, unless someone feels like I haven't gotten enough nominations yet :P) me,
akashathekitty for Most Prolific Author. I was told by someone the other day that I wasn't really THAT prolific... Well... Here's a nomination to prove you wrong, neener!
You know, if you had asked me to guess my nominations, this wouldn't exactly have been it. Especially not the ones for One-Shot. If someone had asked me to guess a One-Shot, I would hands down have gone with In The Darkness... for its newness and smuttiness. Really interesting. And for other nominations, well, I would actually have guessed that someone would have nominated Silencio for something before The Bracelet, but when I think about it, this DOES make sense as The Bracelet is my current project and the one that has been spammed all over LJ for months now.
I love this nomination thing. It's FUN! If only I could remember what the other story that I meant to nominate was...
I actually read a couple of the nominated stories. Nothing very long, but just what I could read on the bus while going to and from Uni yesterday and between classes. Two fics I ended up finishing.
Am I a horrible person for not really caring for either?
I'm not going to say which stories and do in-depth criticism of them or anything, because... well, it would be kind of mean and others like these stories well enough (plus I don't really remember what categories they were in and if I were in the same as one or both it might seem like I was... you know...). I just thought one of them went mind-numbingly-boring -> potential -> blah ending, and the other one painted a good emotional picture but I was left with a want to know some more background and feeling cheated because it wasn't there and it felt unfinished to me.
I suppose I'm a hard critic.
Voting will be interesting. XD