Everyone is still alive and nerding.

Jan 07, 2012 21:52

I'm sooooo good at updating. dollfaced has made certain to chain me to LJ for a bit longer, though, as she gave me another whole paid year for Christmas. :-O As it was, I wasn't running out until August so... yup. I'll be here. ;)

I took a fall after my doctor's appointment on the 27th. Nothing big or dramatic at all; nothing happened to my belly or the baby, but I took the brunt of the fall on one knee and one hand and they've been bothering me ever since then. :/ Actually they weren't bothering me too badly for the first few days, but now I get stabbing pains in the knee if I try to put too much/uneven weight on it and it's almost made me fall down a few times since then. Similarly, having to catch something with my hand or lift Kupo onto my lap or something gives me the same kind of pains in my wrist/fingers. Ugh. But, like I told Maz, I sincerely doubt it's anything serious. They just took a hit and especially the knee is already under a lot of strain. It should be fine again soon.

I have a cold. Or, rather, I have a cough. A bad one. It started out mild enough but then after New Year's it just got worse with me coughing my throat raw. It was the worst kind of cough -- the completely dry kind. A nurse told Maz on the phone that regular bonbons should help, so I sent him to get some Vicks and that did help some. Then yesterday, the midwife said that even though I'm on a lot of meds, those regular over-the-counter lozenges wouldn't do any harm, so I've taken a few of those as well. In spite of almost being out of a voice and being extremely fatigued (hey, you try waking up to coughing fits that won't end...), I think I'm already better.

They'll induce me on Tuesday, regardless of the cough, so I'd kind of prefer it to be gone. Giving birth is tough enough without being sick. Especially considering that the midwife warned me that the suppositories would give me contractions from the beginning but I probably wouldn't be in active labour until sometime at night or the next day or, if I was particularly lucky, it might take a few days.

Fortunately, they won't require me to stay at the hospital unless something is off. I'll be free to go home until it's either time for the next checkup/suppository or I'm in active labour.

Figuring out what to do with Kupo is a nightmare. We have a gazillion people on standby, it seems. I want Maz to be with me when I'm giving birth, but I do not want Kupo to be there. People are nice enough to offer to look after him, but they too have lives and jobs, plus I'm generally a bit nervous about how Kupo will feel at being dumped alone with people he's never been alone with before to eat/sleep/simply be there. Maz's mum is coming to stay with us the first night. I really hope that's when I'll give birth because I think Kupo sleeping in his own home with his grandmother watching him is the ideal. She'll have to go back the next day, though (she's a HS teacher and student counsellor and this is a very busy time for her) and then... I'm not sure. Like I said, we have some friends that offered to take him. And Maz's dad also said he could come sometime the next day. I'm not sure how long he could stay, though. I'm not even considering asking my own dad, and my mum is even worse off physically than me at the moment, to the point where she had (largely ineffective) surgery and everything, so no way am I saddling her with a 3-year-old. Gah.

Maz finally got around to rearranging our bedroom to make room for the cot in there. I like the new position of our bed so much better. We should've put it like that years ago! Actually, if I recall correctly, I wanted to do it like that years ago and Maz objected. As usual, though, he's had to agree that I was right. Ya know, I should push more things through right away since I'm always right anyway. And, yes, I'm very smug about this. :D

We also finally began sorting through Kupo's old clothes today, sorting it by size. I can't believe how small he once was. And we have so much cute stuff. Almost too much. How on earth am I going to justify getting more? XD

I didn't get that many "fun" gifts for Christmas/birthday, mostly money (and clothes, but bless Maz's mum for thinking I'm a Medium... I had to take it back XD Oh well, will use the money we got back to get some post-pregnancy clothes for me and whatever winter clothes we'll need for the baby :)) so I decided to spend a little of my Christmas money on a fun thing and allow the rest to be swallowed by our day to day expenses.

I got a total of 1700DKK for me (not gonna do the whole exchange rate thing...) and Maz got a total of 1300DKK. Maz really wanted the Blu-Ray Star Wars: The Complete Saga and I wanted the Blu-Ray Harry Potter Complete 8-Film Collection.

So, we ordered both from this Danish shop we've used a lot and which has raving reviews on trustpilot (coolshop.dk). Maz's box cost 729DKK and mine cost 439DKK and this was the box I ordered:

Lovely, no? Except, what I got was this box:

The observant eye will notice that the big difference is that one is an 11-disc edition, whereas the other one is an 8-disc edition. I gotta admit, I wasn't particularly hooked on which edition to get, but it felt like false advertising when I didn't get the one I was shown.

So we contacted Customer Service. Did they apologise? Offer amends? Explain? Send a new one? Nope. Not in the least. What they did was continually ask, "But aren't all 8 films present?" and say "Actual product may vary. This is the right box set." That really pissed me off. We weren't talking about a different picture on the front of the damn box, we were talking a box with three damn Blu-Rays less than shown in the image. So, we asked if they were going to replace the image? No response. Maz has commented on the item on their site like three times now, saying it's not the actual box shown you get - but what has happened? They delete the comment every single time.

Fuck if I'm going to do business with such a shady site again.

They did however send us a postage thing so we could return the items (fuck if I was going to let them get the 700+DKK for the Star Wars box either!) free of charge and I should see the full refund on my account any day now. Otherwise there's going to be fucking hell to pay for them. We have the chat logs (they don't really do phone CS, their loss), receipts etc saved. Hell, Maz even has screenshots of the comment they keep deleting. Our case is pretty strong if we should go to the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority. I doubt that's going to actually happen, though. They're too smart for that. They'll give us our refund and the one star review I gave them on trustpilot will be drowned out in no time. In fact, it probably already has, so they shouldn't want to stir shit.

Meanwhile, we found Maz's box for 699DKK downtown, so that's 30DKK saved and we found the real 11-disc HP box set for €47.50 (about 350DKK) on play.com with free shipping, so that's another almost 90DKK saved. My box arrived today. It's much more prettiful than the other, wrong, box; less bulky, and with lots more extras.

We watched the first film with Kupo today. When it was done, he wanted to watch more "boy". XD We promised him he could see number two tomorrow. As far as I can tell, though, only the first three films are rated PG, the next five are rated 12. IDK. Maybe the fourth and fifth won't be tooooo bad (I mean, this is the boy who loves Nightmare Before Christmas and Spiderman...) but the last ones are probably too much.

I was actually surprised to see that this version also had the first five films voiced over in Danish. (Not that I really care to watch it like that, but maybe Kupo will later. Danish voice-overs are usually decent enough anyway.) I thought that was the main difference between the Danish 8-disc version and the UK/Nordic 11-disc version - no voice-overs. Well, that just makes the 8-disc version suck even worse, doesn't it?

Moral of the story: don't buy at coolshop.dk if you're Danish. They suck. And their "price guarantee" obviously isn't worth shit, considering we ended up getting everything cheaper elsewhere.

Right. I probably forgot a ton of things, but isn't this enough of a teal deer? ;)

movies, health, finances, shopping, rant, snuffles, rl

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