Nov 08, 2011 17:02
I'm peeing red.
I'm fairly certain I never started a post like that before.
In any case, could just be the UTI (although it shouldn't be since I've been treating it since Friday) or the meds or something but if it stays red, I suppose I'll call the doc tomorrow morning.
Ohh, the joys of pregnancy.
So, yesterday Maz and I were looking at names again. Ya know, for something there is a lot of, there sure aren't many that we like.
Maz likes Ulv for a middle name. Fair enough. It's not bad. It's a Danish name and means Wolf. (Wolf is also a possibility but quite frankly doesn't sound very good in Danish in our opinion.) Kupo's middle name is Storm (same in Danish as in English), so apparently we're going for "strong" middle names. XD
So, I was reading through the list of approved names (it's possible to get a name that's not yet approved but it's a fairly comprehensive list) and I came across the approved name "Stygge".
Okay, so. I know not a lot of you in here understand Danish. Let me give you a fairly short lesson:
Store Stygge Ulv = Big Bad Wolf.
It's approved to call your kid Stygge Ulv.
Then again, I also found the name "Stejepan". :/ Basically, that's just a really poorly spelled version of "Frying Pan". I hope there's a really good excuse for that one like i.e. it meaning something else in Polish or whatnot.
But we may be narrowing down on a name, so there's that. Big Bad Frying Pan ftw, no? ;)
I'm a bit under the weather these days with a sore throat etc. It's lovely, considering that my mom and her hubby will come Friday, and Saturday - Kupo's actual 3rd birthday - Maz's mom, dad, brother and grandmother + my dad and his pseudo-daughter, her bf and son will be here.
The Saturday after that will be just about everyone we know - especially those who have kids. We were concerned that because we were inviting them so late that not a lot of them would be able to come and were debating how far to "overbook" (this place is tiny, after all) but ended up not inviting this one childless couple we don't usually invite for Kupo's birthdays anyway (even though we do like them but space) as well as this one other couple who just had a kid but aren't usually invited either (plus they'd have to come down from Copenhagen so we didn't figure they would - what with a new first less-than-1-month-old and all!)
This was a very good call, since everyone we invited except this one childless guy actually immediately said that they could make it! (And that guy wasn't one we were really counting on anyway since his SAD tends to make it difficult for him to deal with these things, but he's a good friend of Maz's and he knows everyone and has come the other years.) Who would have thought that people would come when invited, right? XD
We'll be 11 adults and 7 kids aged 3 or younger (down to 1 month old! First time we see her!) I should at some point (post-cleaning!) post a pic of our living room to show you what a challenge that'll be. XD I do believe it's a good call that we're only inviting them for birthday cake and not attempting to make it into an all-day thing with meals and stuff. Not that we wouldn't feed anyone hanging around come dinner or being here early enough for lunch but, you know, nothing organised. Having people actually sitting at a table would take up far too much space. XD