I received a response from my grandparents. It is a letter in which I am called a *gasp* protestant and in which they compare my style of thinking to Hitler. Also, there is ONLY ONE TRUTH in this world, and since they are obviously right, I must be wrong.
Dear Jennifer,
I am sorry to read the accusations you leveled at your grand mother and me. I had hoped we could have met to talk this issue through; instead your mind seems to be completely closed and opposed to the truth. As I said in my letter the TRUTH is important. This is especially pertinent when dealing with politics and religion. It’s not what you think or what your mind and internal compass tells you about the world which you say have led you to your set of beliefs and values. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS WHAT THE TRUTH IS! Hitler established his set of values for the world around him and looked what happened.
As Christians and Catholics we seek the truth in moral matters guided by the teachings of our church. I mentioned that emotions are not the best guide in making or forming opinions on moral questions. You can’t live your life on you own set of beliefs even as you say they are dear to you. These beliefs must be guided by the teachings of the Church (The Truth) not by you or anyone else. Your set of beliefs is not an option when it comes to saving your soul. That’s why we have a church. It’s to guide us to heaven by following the teachings of Jesus. As a Catholic you have a ready made set of values which do not depend on your interpretation or a so called moral compass. Your present thinking is very protestant. A protestant can believe what ever he or she wants. Some believe in the killing of innocent children, some do not.
As Catholics we believe as a church that the killing of innocent children by abortion is always a grave moral evil. Now for the hard truth. A Catholic in good conscience can not support a candidate for public office who supports abortion. That’s not Grandma’s or my “view”, that’s the teaching of our church.
We are called as Catholics to defend the innocent unborn as best we can. You grand mother and I along with your heroic dear mother have spent all our spare time these past 35 years trying to over turn “Roe vs. Wade” so the killing will stop. Your support for the most radical pro abortion candidate ever to seek the Office of the Presidency offends God and scandalizes your family and you want us to apologize? Obama has said that he intends to support Roe vs. Wade by appointing judges who support this unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling. He also supports the Freedom of Choice Act which will overturn all existing prolife legislation including the partial birth abortion ban! This action will destroy all the good prolife work of the last 35 years.
Placing Obama signs in your yard and on your car was an affront to the prolife community of Midland and to your faith. Your public promotion of Obama was an evil that in good conscience could not be allowed to continue. Failure to correct a grave wrong to our family was never an option, so I acted to remove the cause of scandal.
There is only one God. He is not petty and He loves and cares for all including mothers and babies but he is a just God and we must obey Him. It is important to open your mind to the truth of God’s teaching in the Catholic Church so you can have a happy and productive life. As Grand parents it’s our duty to help all our grand children understand this so they can be happy with God in this life and the next.
Again it’s not just our opinion it’s that of the Church. WE DID NOT INVENT WHAT WE BELIEVE; IT’S WHAT HAS BEEN TAUGHT BY JESUS TO THE APOSTLES AND TO US BY THE CHURCH AND OUR POPE. To get to heaven there are no options, only the truth in the Catholic faith for a baptized Catholic. It’s in the Bible, look it up!
I hope you reconsider this moral compass approach to guiding your life. A compass a very unreliable navigational instrument. The North Star always indicates true north while the compass is influenced by stray magnetic fields. An individual moral compass is not reliable either as it can be easily swayed by outside societal influences. The North Star of morality is the Catholic Church. She never wavers in her teaching. She is the only reliable guide to Heaven. Don’t take lightly your baptism and birthright as a Catholic. Your faith is needed for guidance in this pagan world.
The point of this discussion is to help you see there is more to your understanding of life and what God calls you to do then what your present set of beliefs are. Only one set of beliefs is the truth. We both can’t be right in this matter. It’s God’s set we must follow -- these are the ones established by our church, not by Grandma and me. A set of beliefs manufactured by one’s mind can be dangerous to your well being and most importantly to your soul.
As always we pray for you.
Love, Grandpa and Grandma