Mar 10, 2008 14:28
Here's your Therapy Thought of the Day:
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the drama in your life? Does it feel like the Drama Llama marching band is out to get you today?
Before freaking out and blaming the Universe for the dismal state of your life, please stop and ask yourself the following questions:
(1) How much of this is really happening TO me, vs. how much of this did I ALLOW to happen to me by my bad choices?
(2) Visualize yourself turning your back on the drama, and walking away. If you cannot, what is keeping you there? Is it that important that you need to take on the drama, too?
(3) Be honest with yourself. Most drama is NOT actually things that people do to us, but things that we do to ourselves or allow other people to do to us. How much of the drama on your plate right now consists of things that you yourself are responsible for creating?
Do yourself a favor. Wake up, smell the Universal French Roast, and accept responsibility for your own shit. Stop inviting Drama over for tea, people. Most of the stuff we blame other people for is our own fault. Stop lashing out in anger at the people around you and blaming them for your misery! Our lack of happy relationships, inability to find a job, inability to keep friends, etc. is all related to our own bad choices. Once you accept your culpability in making your own life miserable, you'll stop blaming others for your problems, and figure out ways of making better choices.
There's no magic wand that is going to suddenly go *poof* and make everything better. Sorry. If I had one, I'd surely share! Just get out there and make better choices and watch things get better on their own. It's hard work, but it's the only way.
Or you could decide to ignore what I just said, and keep blaming everyone else around you for your problems. But we're getting kind of sick of that. : )