Next year I think I'll just hibernate through May and June to prepare

Jul 07, 2009 12:51

I know I've said this before, but I really don't know how anybody is ever bored. (Not counting when you have to, say, sit through a mandatory company training session.) =P But really, I swear I live in a perpetual state of having a million things to do, all the time. Often they're fun things, things I chose to do and that I want to do, but it doesn't change the fact that they all take time and energy!

I'll refer you to beatlejessie's excellent (and LONG) post about our adventures at Anime Expo this past weekend. There was some costume-related stress, certainly, and not a lot in the way of sleep, but that was to be expected and overall it was a wonderful time. I am so proud of us for our costumes this year. They were super ambitious and I think they turned out awesome, in the original sense of the word. ^^ Extra huge points for tokoz for her amazing work on the weapons - I'm sure mine would have been much better if I hadn't botched it up before she got there to help. But she almost totally managed to save it in spite of me, and hers and shy_violette's looked phenomenal.

How we're going to top this next year, we haven't entirely figured out yet. But we've got some preliminary ideas.

I did take the time yesterday to update my Cosplay Lab profile and to upload photos to my account. Only the ones with me in them, so far, or Jessie or xtp5 in the ones I've made for them, but I want to add more of our groups once I've gotten everyone's permission. It did remind me of how badly I need to get better pictures of most of those older costumes. I have no good ones of Flonne, Suigintou, or Dark Mercury, and almost nothing at all of Sumomo. And, you guys, didn't we take a picture of the 'Aku' kanji on the back of Sanosuke's gi? Why don't I have it? Something else to add to the list!

(P.S. We saw Cosplay Chess at the con, and I was absolutely dying to participate, so I hope they have it again next year! The only question is, who would I play as? So many wonderful options...)

Now I haven't even finished unpacking from AX and I have to pack for Illinois; I'm flying out tomorrow morning. And before then I have to get a bunch done on the costumes for West Side Story, too. So much time, so little to do!

Well, sleep is overrated anyway.

When I get back, it's headfirst into getting WSS done, because it opens on the twenty-fifth - which is, incidentally, also Comic-Con weekend, which I'm going to, and having a guest, and OHMYGODSWHYISEVERYTHINGINTHEMONTHOFJULY? And that's not even everything I wanted to do. I didn't get to see My Fair Lady, I'm not getting to see Fellowship, I'm not going to make it to the Labyrinth Masquerade or to my sister's family graduation party or to this month's tabletop RPG sessions. Of course most of these are not just time issues, they're money issues.

Bah. I think we need to go back to the barter system. I could mend people's ripped clothes and make Halloween costumes in exchange for other goods and services! ^_^

August should be much calmer. SHOULD. As much fun as all this craziness is, the prospect of a chance to breathe is pretty nice too! I have a book that's a week overdue at the library, a stack more that I've bought and not read, AIDS Walk coming up, new headshots to go through/have printed/send out, an American Girl shirt I promised to make for a little girl from Willy Wonka, and a heap of roleplay tags to write, as well as needing to catch my characters up to the present. Oh, and making money. Did I mention making money? I'm so going to start making cosplay costumes for American Girls and Build-A-Bears and selling them online. ^~

But July first. Now, where's my to-do list? (Ha, as if I would have only one. =P )

Ooh! But! You guys! Did you know that just before five AM tomorrow morning it's going to be 4:56 7-8-09? ^__^

gainful employment, conventions, roleplayers anonymous, in my head, otaku desu, dress-up, getting things done

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