"Because every time we say 'love interest' you guys get so mad!"

Jul 27, 2008 18:21

So, funny story! No, wait - first let's review how this weekend was ideally supposed to go.

Wednesday afternoon: Drive down to San Diego, visit with grandparents.
Thursday: Comic-Con! Doctor Who panel, Torchwood panel, TV costume designers panel. Back to grandparents' house.
Friday: Spend day with grandparents. Evening: Check into hotel and meet Kaycee & R there.
Saturday: CC! Heroes panel, Dollhouse panel, Chuck panel. Evening: Dinner and see X-Files movie with Kaycee, R, E, D & C.
Sunday: CC! Smallville panel, Supernatural panel. Then either stay for Once More With Feeling! sing-along, or head home.

Now, how it actually went.

Wednesday afternoon: Filled gas tank and drove down to San Diego (about two and a half hours). Visited with grandparents for about twenty minutes. Got a call from voiceover casting agency. Do I want to come to an audition tomorrow morning? Um, yes please. Ate dinner with grandparents and drove back to LA (about two hours, end first tank of gas).
Thursday: Got up and went to the audition an hour early, in the hopes that they would be able to see me early so I could head back early and still have some chance of catching Doctor Who. No such luck. 10:30, got on the road. Ten minutes along, saw a sign - "Major Accident, Traffic Jam, 57 Miles." They saw fit to warn us fifty-seven miles in advance; I had a feeling that couldn't be good. But I wasn't sure of an alternative route, so I pressed on and hoped they would have it cleared before I got there. NO SUCH LUCK. At forty-five miles, we screeched to a halt. It then proceeded to take four hours to cover twelve miles. (I pulled off once for bathroom and gas, hoping things would be a little better by the time I got back. They weren't.) Phone was about two seconds from dying, and I didn't have my car charger, so could not even call anyone to pass the time. Finally pulled into San Diego at 4:45 PM. Went a little further insane trying to find parking among all the traffic and one-way streets. Finally found something, asked directions to get to the con, and was misdirected. Ended up walking about twelve blocks I didn't need to, for a total of god knows... like twenty-five blocks. Arrived at the con at last, exhausted, brain-fried, blistered, soaked with sweat, and too late for all the panels. The good side: I asked about getting a refund, and instead they traded me for a Friday pass, which had sold out before I could get one. So that was nice. Found an outlet to plug in my phone, bought a soda, and crashed in a corner for a couple of hours, soaking up the air conditioning. Met E, D, C & company for dinner, then returned to my grandparents' to sleep.
Friday: Breakfast and morning spent with the grandparents. Off to the con to meet E & D and sit through the Stargate: Atlantis panel to see the Joss Whedon panel. Love! ♥ ♥ They had the cast of Dr. Horrible and it was terrific and I'm glad I got to see it. Returned to grandparents for afternoon and dinner, then headed to the hotel to check in. Kaycee & R were running late (blame R for he is pokey), so I went back to the convention center to meet the friends for the Dr. Horrible viewing. We nearly didn't get in, but we did and it was fun to watch it in such a huge group! Back to the hotel, crashed hardcore.
Saturday: Went over to the con early, but not early enough. Kaycee & R headed over to get their badges while I walked to the Heroes line... and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked... I didn't have a means to measure, but I don't think I'm exaggerating to say it was over a mile long. ^^;;; It was outdoors and stretched all the way around the whole center, back and forth through the sculptures, and off along the marina behind the hotels. The people at the front had sleeping bags; they'd been there all night. I eventually reached the end, but by then it was ridiculous. Way beyond ridiculous. Returned to the convention center to meet Kaycee & E, sat through Futurama and Simpsons and Dean Koontz panels to ensure seats for Dollhouse. (These were excellent panels, by the way, and I enjoyed them greatly despite not being a super-fan of any of the people.) Dollhouse panel was awesome, just Joss and Eliza and Tahmoh Penikett, but they were so much fun. I wish they'd had more to show us than just the trailer that's been online for months, but they've only shot one episode, so what can you do? My impatience for that show to be on (and desperate desire to act in a Whedon show) have been totally rekindled, like whoa. Sat through Battlestar Galactica panel (another show that's on my list to watch, and the panel only reinforced that) and then it was time for Chuck! I love that show. I can't wait for it to resume. And the actors are such fun to watch. (Not just Adam Baldwin, though I freely admit it's all his fault because of him that I started watching it in the first place.) Escaped the convention hall, dragged Kaycee, E & D to my grandparents' favorite Greek restaurant for dinner, then returned for a late showing of X-Files. (C & R bailed on us, but fortunately their tickets were refundable.) The movie was... eh. Sadly. I wanted to love it. But it was okay, and I enjoyed seeing my favorite dynamic duo back in action again, so anyway. ^^ Returned to the hotel to crash at about 1:15 AM.
Sunday: Got up at 6 AM to ensure seats for Smallville panel. Wondered simultaneously whether that was ridiculously early or far too late. ^^; Turned out it was just about perfect! Though we were exhausted, but it was worth it. Smallville and Supernatural panels were amazing, and I cannot wait for those shows to resume, too. (Also, if I can't be in a show by Joss Whedon, I would settle for one by Eric Kripke or the team responsible for Smallville. I'm just sayin'.) Prepurchased tickets for 2009 and staggered away to find lunch and head home. Drive home took about three hours, and has left me near the end of Tank of Gas #3.

To sum up: The con was awesome. Some sitting around and waiting are to be expected, so it wasn't too annoying, and the panels were well worth it. There was far, FAR too much driving. But I found a parking garage that kept failing to charge me when I left, which was terrific as it saved us at least eighty dollars in parking fees overall. Must remember that place next year. And I had a lot of fun with friends, though I was disappointed not to see tsukinowake for more than a couple of minutes. How did your portfolio review go, Tsuki?? And how was the steampunk gathering?

Speaking of, I did see a few very cool costumes. Particularly steampunk ones, but also notable were a Clark Kent and Green Arrow, and a Catwoman/Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy group. And about six hundred thousand stormtroopers, including one who looked pregnant. Very odd, that.

Deeply sad to have missed the Thursday panels. I was so excited to see the cast of Torchwood and hear Steven Moffat talk about the next season of Doctor Who, and see many designers from my favorite shows talk costuming. But if it was a trade for Joss Whedon, the cast of Dr. Horrible, and an audition for people who haven't called me in in a month, it was acceptable.

If I get the job, it'll be more than acceptable, it'll be totally worth it. I thought the audition went well, but I haven't heard anything yet. Ah well. Even if it gets them to think of me more often, it'll be worth it. I'm grateful for the audition, but seriously, do they wait for me to leave town? I was sitting at home with nothing to do for two months!

So very, very tired right now. Con fatigue is in my bones, swelling is in my throat, cramps are in my neck and shoulders and blisters are on my feet. And I badly need to do laundry tomorrow. But I am filled with love for my shows and burning desire to be a part of something like I got to see on stage so many times this weekend.

Yay Con. ^_^

conventions, the road to superstardom, otaku desu

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