2 am ramblings....after a weird day.

Apr 17, 2010 02:46

Today was just weird.

First off, that second hour of HS is more or less in my care and practically all freshman so as you can guess things don't go over so well. See this trimester we rearranged the classes to be more even, which is great, and we got a new student who requires some one on one and Ms Cz is doing that. Soo..that hour, I get to do the teaching to the large group. Which is already a little off because three of the students are on an adjusted schedule and come 20 minutes late.

So there's either time wasting or going over instructions twice. The problem is that this is the talkative bunch and so they're always extremely far behind the other class. And part of that is my fault for not coming down on them as hard as I should. Sadly, or perhaps oddly, when Ms Cz isn't there and I'm in charge in charge I take more control and put them in their places, but when she's in the back room I guess I don't pay as much attention to what they're doing while my back is turned.

Of course, I'm uber observant most of the time when I'm alone or when she's in the room and she misses something I'm just shaking my head. I don't know if it's because I'm younger or I just get these hs-ers that I can figure out what it is they were doing when I wasn't looking. And sometimes I care more than others.

Well anyway--today. Today I got scolded. Not so much as yelled at or anything, but she'd had to come out a number of times because when I'd talk with one student someone would ask someone else something instead of waiting for me to finish and then a random conversation would crop up between three or more students. Since she'll be at a meeting Monday and helping with a presentation on Friday...and doing round 2 of ISTEP the following week, she's concerned that they're going to walk all over me--like they do when she's there.

So after she came out, talked sternly to them and then in quiet but still stern tones came and expressed her concerns to me. It took all my willpower to not look away and like I was getting chewed out. It is kind of how I felt, but that's because I wasn't doing my job.

After she went back into the side room one of the male students was like 'See now--' and before he could say more I snapped my fingers at him and went over and told him that this is what the problem was--as soon as she leaves everyone just starts talking. And he was sooo upset that he couldn't write. He was messing his paper up and talking about wanting out of the class. Which is odd considering how hard he fought to be included in it. after a few minutes of him still being really upset I invited him to talk with me out in the hall. And at first he was like 'no, no I'll calm down' and maybe two min later he asked if we could go talk.
While out in the hall I discovered that he was not upset that he had been scolded for the umpteenth time but instead that I had been 'yelled at' for something that they did and not what I did.

... As much as I tried to explain that 1. it is my job to enforce the rules, that he knows I've let him slide on more times than I'd care to count. 2. she's my boss. 3. if he doesn't like what he sees he should be better behaved, etc. And that i'm a big girl and what not..but he was just so upset that she 'talked to me that way'. Idk, I hadn't really thought it was that big of a deal and it's not like she was talking loud enough for them to hear her, but I guess he could pick up enough tone and the expressions on my face that I didn't hide as well those first 30 seconds that he came to the conclusion that I was in trouble for not yelling at them.

All I could feel after I sent him to get a drink and breathe a little before we went back in was, 'AWWW! He's being over protective of me.' And then...'Ew,' because when we came back in I guess we were both smiling a little or something--idk it was a good talk, and one of the female students was like 'what did you guys talk about?' and when I asked her if that was any of her business she said 'yes. Why are you guys smiling?' I began to wonder what strange scenario was going through her head.

And the scary thing is that there are only a handful of things that teenagers think of. Everytime I use the word 'girlfriend(s)' to describe one of you their first thought is...'Ms A, you have a girlfriend?!?!?!'
And after staring blankly at them, thinking and what if I did?, I calmly explain that in this case I mean a friend who is a girl. Sheesh.

I swear, every single time.

Anyway...then the girls and I met up, went to the mall, did a little shopping and then went bar touring in central county. I say touring because we'd walk in, walk around and walk out without getting so much as a shot before going to the next one. I guess Kris had some places she wanted us to check out, but it was crowded and smokey by the time we got to either and Tiff was a little grr because she thought we were just going to BNP where a friend was waiting for her. And at one point left because he thought we were going somewhere else, but then we turned around and left that place before deciding to finaly go where he was already at.

Add to that the guy six years my minor who kept semi-flirting with me and then when he finally did come up to talk to me it was rather disaterous. But that's a-okay, cuz after talking to him I realised I wasn't missing much.

Anyway, did I mention the cute, tall guy who was talking to T's male-friend for a while and we were never introduced to? No? That's because we're still sad about that.

So...I've had...two and a half mixed drinks (i finished one of T's) and three shots? Yeah, three. And I'm sitting here only slightly buzzed. Clearly, the milk followed by burger and fries after drinking mostly water all day has helped slow the absorbtion rate. Or those were some weak-ass drinks.

Kris thinks I'll be 'hung over' in the morn. Uh, no. The only time I've ever been classically hung over was after T's 23rd b-day...and part of that was because I had to go to work the next day. And had so little sleep and sooooo much to drink the night before that I think I was still a little buzzed when I woke up and went to work. Scary, right. So naturally, the detox process sux more when you're awake than asleep. I remember that I got plain chips and sprite from vending and hid them behind a mirror in the dept and anytime there were no customers or managers around I'd eat something to alieviate the queasiness.

I don't think I'm spelling anything correctly tonight. And I care not to verify anything.

work, friends, drinking

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