AI7 Top 16 Recap: Boys

Mar 05, 2008 23:21

Dun dun dun, it's me again. This time, I watched some clips on rickey before watching it on tv, and I think it helped.

*swings white gloves* Wake me up before you go go! )

aww baby david, stripping david, danny iz so pretty!, david cook's pretty mouth, american idol 7

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playingwithcake March 5 2008, 16:15:42 UTC
Can I highjack your entry and post my thoughts, too? :)

Luke Menard
While I thought the vocals were good, I was not wowed by Luke tonight. His voice was thin, His performance added a lot to the song, but all in all, it was not a great song for him.

David Archuleta
The vocals were great - love how he changed it up a bit. Performance wise? I liked him on the piano, tho his looking at the camera was a bit awkward. But other than that, the performance was pretty ordinary.

Danny Noriega
I was worried he was going to butchered this song, but his vocals really held up on this one. I'm not a huge fan of his voice, but I thought the song was well suited for Danny's voice. But the performance ruined it all for me. The cheesy dance moves were awful, and the weird facial expressions... Yeah, not feeling it.

David Hernandez
While I think David H lacks a little bit of depth to his voice to really, really, REALLY kill that song, I think he still did a really, really, REALLY great job with it. The vocals were superb, and so was his performance. He gave me chills. One of my favorite tonight.

Michael Johns
Michael is back! That was pretty good. I like his higher register - his lower tone is good, but a bit weak. Great song choice - that was totally him.

David Cook
First of all, when I heard David was going to sing "Hello", I was like WTF? I just couldn't imagine him singing that song. I LOVED it. Oh wow! Reminded me a bit of Lukas Rossi when he did "Living on a Prayer" on RockStar Supernova. I loved that David started out with the electric guitar, the band kicking up a bit after. I loved his interpretation of the song, the way he phrased it a bit differently, and the way he ended it. Very, VERY good!

Jason Castro
Oh I love that song... I hated that Jason let the judges and their "no guitar next time" comments get to him. This song would have been perfect for him to perform with the guitar. I think he did a great job with it - the tempo was a bit fast, I felt it needed to be a bit slower for Jason to really get into the lyrics... And it was too bad about that last little bit, because his vocals were really good throughout. His performance, eyes closed and all, really added to it all. I really enjoyed Jason this week.

While the vocals were good, this really didn't work for me. The change in lyrics didn't work, and I just plain dislike a man singing this song. I think Chikezie will be gone come Thursday.

Favs: David H, David C, Michael Johns, Jason C
Worst: Chikezie, Luke
Gone: Chikezie, Luke


akari_hayashi March 5 2008, 16:25:28 UTC
Hahaha, no problem. ^^ It's interesting to see how different people feel about the performances. And I luvvv long comments!

Luke: He never ever wowed me lol. Except on his youtube video of him singing acapella Bohemian Rhapsody. I don't think he can sing with instrumental music I think. O.o

Baby David: Yeah, ordinary compared to last week. It's hard to top "Imagine".

Danny: Yeah, that's what I thought too. I was so distracted by his actions, I couldn't concentrate on his singing. >.> Though the hip jerking was fierce!

David H: \o/ Which is why he is my first for this week. :D

Michael: He is great at song choices. Very smart singer. For three weeks in a row, he chose songs which are rock, but yet differentiates himself from David Cook.

David Cook: <3 (I wouldn't believe I would be saying this three weeks before. Ren would be proud.)

Jason Castro: True about this song being suitable for the guitar. But I do want to see him performing without one, to see how he fares on stage. I actually want to see him walking around, rather than sitting on a stool lol. Yeah, that last bit was a disappointment.

Chikezie: Lyrics were just plain odd haha.

Zabasearch has Luke and Chikezie as bottom two, so I think it is almost definite they are out this week.


dreamerren March 5 2008, 16:31:53 UTC
David Cook: <3 (I wouldn't believe I would be saying this three weeks before. Ren would be proud.)
I am, bb! I'm so happy that he did so good last night. I learned a few seasons back not to question song choices until I hear the performances because the really good ones actually DO something with them.

I completely disagree about Michael Johns though. I think he's boring, trying to be something he's not and everything he does on stage feels so contrived to way to planned out.

And I agree with the whole Danny thing. He's fun and smart and witty but he goes so over the top in his performances it feels a little forced and over the top sometimes. I know that he can sing, and he has yet to pick a song that really shows that...


playingwithcake March 5 2008, 16:48:57 UTC
I didn't like David C at first. Then I didn't WANT to like him. Last week, I liked him, quite a lot. And this week, well, I think the "winning me over" task has been completed. :)

I appreciate Danny sassy side... But when he performs, it's way too much, and I just don't like it.


dreamerren March 5 2008, 16:54:53 UTC
I love it when my favorite wins people makes me happy :D I've liked him from the very beginning and each week I love him more and more.


nangijala March 5 2008, 17:17:15 UTC
LOL. I am about to write a up a big gushing fangirl post on him in my journal. He has won me over 100% now too. He stole the show last night. ♥


dreamerren March 5 2008, 17:20:46 UTC
You have no idea how big a smile you just put on my face :D (I try not to get emotionally invested in my faves, but I just can't help it! I want to give him a hug and tell him he did great and he won SO MANY people over last night.)

I'll look for your post!


akari_hayashi March 5 2008, 17:34:53 UTC
Haha, this reminds me of those email spams. XD Add your name and send it back to this address when it reaches 1000. *adds mine to the David Cook is Cookalicious list*


akari_hayashi March 5 2008, 16:57:35 UTC
Hee. David Cook sure can cook up some storm! Er yeah, bad pun. I don't really bother about song choices, coz the good ones will always make it work.

Michael's boring this week, but at least I know what type of music he stands for. It's a problem that outed contestants like Jason Yeager has been struggling with.

DITTO. I kept thinking about his auditions to keep my trust in him. And I don't like that. :/ Coz you see other contestants doing so well.


playingwithcake March 5 2008, 16:52:20 UTC
Luke: It's too bad about him - he sounded great in auditions... Maybe you are right about him not being able to sing with music.

David A: You got that right!

Danny: LOL Sassy Danny...

David H: I really, really like him. He's been a fav of mine from the start.

Michael: Smart singer, different than David C, but I agree with the judges, he still has not found a song to really, really REALLY wow us with.

David C: I wouldn't believe I would say these things either! :)

Jason: He's so awkward when not singing...

Chikezie: He's just too darn happy when he sings!


akari_hayashi March 5 2008, 17:02:15 UTC
Luke: I wish he can just stop the music and bring his acapella group to do backup for him. :( Acapella is a type of instrument yeah?

David H: Me too! He was my third fav apart from Baby David and Danny. But I think he's onto the #2 now. Love his personality!

Michael: It's sad that I cannot remember what he sang the weeks before lol.

Jason: I KNOW! He's always in this permanently-sleeping mode haha. But he needs to be more versatile since this is Idol after all.

Chikezie: Maybe that's why my sister likes him the most. XD She thinks he reminds her of Ruben, who is the infamous velvet teddy bear.


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