Can of Worms

Nov 19, 2008 12:56

Ok, I'm a little afraid of opening a can of worms by putting this up here. I'm even afraid of losing a few friends, but I don't suppose the people I associate with are that petty, so I'm going to go for it.

I purposefully waited until after the elections to post this, but I've been quite puzzled by a phenomena I've noticed.
I've noticed a very vocal group of people who HH-HATE Sarah Palin. I don't mean don't like her. I don't mean disagree with her policies or beliefs. I mean hate her. I mean wish her harm. The most colorful expression of this I can think of being the person who wished her eaten by a moose.

Now having no particularly strong feelings on her, I find this puzzling. I don't find anything wildly egregious about her, at least no more than most politicians, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

This being the case, I thought I'd put it out there. If you hate her, why?
Now this being my journal, I get to make some of the rules. For this one, I have 3.
1- Be willing to defend your thoughts. I may have questions.
2- No calling her stupid. You may think that. I have no problem with that opinion, but since intelligence is a relatively difficult thing to quantify in the first place, and I doubt any of us have any real access to information on that count it would only be speculation. Besides, to be honest, it's juvenile, it's cheap, and I don't really think it's a good reason to hate someone anyway.
3- Keep it civil.

So the can of worms has been opened...


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