Title: The Scent Wars
Pairing: Jin x Kame
Rating: G
Genre: humor
Disclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Little shops, big problems.
The Scent Wars
Akanishi Jin owns a flower shop.
Kamenashi Kazuya owns a coffee shop.
They’re right next to each other.
This is a problem.
Now, the casual flower-buying coffee-drinking customer might marvel at their good fortune to find two such shops sharing one parking lot.
Anywhere else, they’d be correct.
As the special breed of flower-buying coffee-drinking customers of those two establishments all know and will tell, every inch of that place from the furthest parking space to the alley running behind the two small shops, is a dangerous and unpredictable battleground.
This day is no different.
It’s barely seven in the morning and the newest battle of the Scent Wars is already being fought, right there on the sidewalk halfway between the two tiny shops.
“It’s spring! Spring!” Jin roars.
Kame rolls his eyes and counters with, “Yeah, you’ve been saying that every day for a month. Doesn’t change a thing.”
“If they can’t smell the flowers, nobody will buy them!”
In his best impression of Jin’s voice, Kame says, “’Come on, Kame!’ you said. ‘How awesome would it be to put your new shop next to mine!’ you said. You whined and you needled and now that I finally got my business started here, all you do is complain. Months and months of complaining. The other location I was considering had lower rent and everything but I gave in to make you stop bitching. Well, I’m not moving. Besides, for a coffee shop, it’s the smell that brings people in anyway. I TOLD you that before I signed the lease!”
More mumbling than anything else, Jin says, “Well, yeah, but… I didn’t know the smell would invade every corner of my store…” He’s pouting again.
“And I didn’t know I’d have Annoying invading every corner of my store.”
“Is this about the stink bomb in your bathroom again? ‘Cause I told you, that wasn’t me.” That’s another thing Jin says a lot recently, though the attempt at a reassuring smile falls flat.
Kame finally has enough, though. “I see you’ve been working on your come hither look. It’s top notch, really, but I have to get back to my customers.”
“But… but I wasn’t hitting on you…” Jin’s words trail after him as he storms off.
The rest of the morning and all of the afternoon passes uneventfully. Jin’s in his shop trying his best to ignore Kame’s existence and even though Kame knows he’s doing it on purpose to make him feel bad, it doesn’t stop him from regretting the argument.
But this time, he isn’t going to be the one to apologize.
Though, by the time the shops both close, Kame’s pretty sure Jin won’t be apologizing either. Not due to any stubbornness on his part, mind you. No, it’s more due to the fact that Jin seems to have forgotten the fight in its entirety. Again. The first words out of his mouth after locking his shop up are, “Hey, let’s go see that new Ore Ore movie! That actor starring in it is just all kinds of hot.”
“I’ve already seen it, Jin. And I already called dibs on him when I saw it so you’ll have to find yourself another sexy idol to fantasize about.”
“You saw it without me?” and Jin is pouting again. “I thought we were best friends! That’s why it’s so awesome you put your shop next to mine!”
For a moment, all Kame can do is stare. He opens his mouth to point out that it was just that morning (and yesterday and the day before that and all the rest of them stretching back to opening day) that Jin was ordering him to move the shop, but he doesn’t say it. He sighs and finally goes with, “I guess I could see it again. It was really good and that actor’s just… yeah. So, I know he’s busy trying to get things together to open his bakery, but do you think we should call Yamapi to come with us?”
“He already called me,” comes a voice from the parking lot. Yamapi has his food-smuggling jacket on, the one he only wears to cheat the movie theater out of the money they’d otherwise spend on overpriced snacks and sodas.
As the three friends walk to Yamapi’s car, Jin’s eyes get that weird gleam to them and Kame knows exactly what he’s about to say. He considers intervening but decides that it’d be pretty amusing to just leave Yamapi a victim of Jin’s enthusiasm, just as Kame himself was. “Hey, Yamapi… You haven’t found a place for your shop yet, right? How awesome would it be to put your shop next to mine…”
A/N: Well, there you go!