I've been keeping track of the Snowflake Challenge days, and doing some of them, but I haven't had time to sit down and pull posts together the past couple nights (last night I was too busy being more than a little emotional over President Obama's farewell address. New life goal: find someone who looks at me and talks about me the way the current POTUS talks about FLOTUS. Or hell, I'd settle for a relationship like Obama's and Biden's).
Anyway, I'm hoping to get to it tonight, and if not, it'll be tomorrow sometime. Wanted to state that I haven't given it up. Just a wee bit busy trying to get the house ready and the class planned and myself packed, as I leave for my sister's at the end of this week and start teaching Tuesday.
Current status: gotta type up a financial report for volunteer position and contact possible replacement for myself in this position, then go to my hair appointment, where I am going to reward myself for all this stupid adulting by reading 19yo Carrie Fisher's love poems.
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http://akamarykate.dreamwidth.org/423112.html. You may comment either here or there.