Next time I'm fussing about not being able to get my words out, would someone please, please kick my butt over to
Write or Die? I always forget how well it works when I'm dithering about writing.
I don't necessarily use it the way it was intended, to write from scratch (that's better for me longhand), but when I have an outline or a really hole-y draft of a scene and need to flesh it out, I can paste that in the window (after determining how many words are already there and taking a wild stab at how many more the scene needs) and go. Voila! Actual text appears where vague ideas used to be.
This message brought to you by the 27 26 25 scenes of the Long Thing I have left to flesh out. (Most are very short scenes, even when finished.) I have to go teach in about an hour but at least now I feel like I have a way to make progress.
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