
Jun 21, 2009 18:09

Okies here's another update.

Regular events since the last post are work and gym. I seem to be stabilising at around 1800 calories on a Monday and 1300 on a Wednesday and Friday, although the last time I weighed myself was in April at both the gym and at Mum's and I seem to have only dropped two kilos in the past six months as opposed to the five or six I dropped in the six months previous. This is good; I'm not trying to lose any more weight, I just want to get everything tightened up a bit. This is partly why I found a way to add a gloved 1kilo weight to my leg routine; I can strap it around my leg and then strap the usual 2x5lb weights on as well. So I am guessing that the leg weight is now just over 12lbs and I really notice the difference. In fact after only a week or so of the new revised routine, one day I felt like shit and hadn't slept properly, so I thought I'd just do it with the basic 10lbs - it felt ridiculously light! Stronger muscles means more efficient calorie burn even when resting, not to mention the pleasing aesthetics of having toned muscles ;)

Work has been okay up until the past few days. Now the big cull has started and quite a few people have left. I thought that I wasn’t too worried about it, only both Friday and Saturday I had some random weepy PMT-type thing happen. I've had the last week off work as booked holiday leave so it didn't happen in front of anyone, but it was horrid sitting on my bed crying and not knowing why. The monthly was the week before so I can't blame the hormones, either. All I can think of is stress because of work, but I didn't think I was thinking about work!

My meeting is tomorrow. Damn them for having already put me in for a shift (I knew about this weeks ago, this extra shift) but initially the redundancy meetings were going to be in the week just gone (my holiday week) but were pushed forward to this week coming. As it turns out, meetings started being held on Thursday of last week (hence the possible explanation for the weepy business; not to mention some inexplicable anxiety attack that struck me on Friday; it was like I was really edgy and nervously expecting something, I had the fear and my hands were shaking, it was truly nasty). I found out on Thursday, when I was out shopping, that Monday is D-Day. Or quite possibly You-No-Longer-Have-A-Job Day.

Last weekend I attended the Coven in Luton; hadn't been out for a while and was really looking forward to it, especially as one of my mates was guest DJ and throwing in some industrial tunes. Now, it felt as though my night was being sabotaged because even though I sent Wes some tunes beforehand (he'd asked for any requests, I said TS, he had none so I sent him some along with a few other random fave tunes of the moment), when I got there and asked if he'd received them, he'd said that someone had told him that I wasn't attending??!! Luckily, I had a CD compilation in my bag that was meant for someone else (hadn't yet handed it to them) and it had some TS on it, so I loaned said CD to Wes and he did, indeed, play a TS tune for me :)

Only thing was, by the time it came on I was in such a mood because I had only recognised two of the tracks played so far! I wanted to dance to it but couldn't be arsed, LOL! I think it was a combination of a) really looking forward to it, b) getting dressed up in that I'd planned the outfit meticulously the night before and c) wanting to dance because my left knee was giving me serious grief after work so needed to try and iron out the kinks, "get the joint moving and relieve the arthritis", kinda thing. I think lack of dancing and the pain in my knee were the main contributors to my mood because the Coven is always such a friendly place with friendly people. I don't expect the music to be "up my alley"; I go occasionally to socialise and then I pick months with "Industrial" guest DJs so that I might get a few recognised tracks. I was thinking of going to next month's for the anniversary but it is on the 11th and Mum is having a big family meal that night for her 60th, so that's not an option anymore. In truth, if I plan to go and am aware that it's not an industrial guest slot then I know I won't be dancing and will not be in a dancing frame of mind, only a socialising one, which is cool. I will attend the Coven again; I just need to be sure that an industrial guest is playing my kind of music if I attend with an intention to dance :)

Which leads nicely into the weekend just gone? Last night I went to Slimes; hadn't been for ages and hadn't really enjoyed myself properly there for a while (last time was the PRoE gig at the end of April) and with the stress attack thing recently I was undecided about going out up til only  few hours beforehand. Didn't bother painting the braids; I'd only have to wash them out today instead of tomorrow (damn work!) and getting dressed up simply entailed my black and green hotpants with a black sports top. In truth, I wanted to go out but couldn't be bothered with the dressing up aspect of it.

As it turned out, I had a really good night! It wasn't very busy (I find I have more fun when it isn't too packed, I actually get room to dance unhindered). I arrived a little before 11, saw Danni, then I got myself ready and headed over for a dance. As I got to the dancefloor I'd somehow timed it to catch Loki just starting his set, so I requested some TS, got it, along with  C-Lekktor tune (An Empty Soul, one of my gym tunes) followed by OMG the Wynardtage "Peace of Mind" track that I LOVE (Re:Legion mix this was though, I love that AND the original).

Loki has some innate ability to just know what to play when I am dancing; yes I know I have made him several CD comps over the years but that still doesn't mean that he has to play back-to-back "industrialwarrior's gym hits" just because I am there dancing!

Loki was followed by Steve and even though he didn't play any TS this time, I knew I'd collar him for a track later, as he always plays at least two sets. He did, however, surprise me with Re:Legion's "Line B" which is a tune that's been on my gym list for ages and it has really, really grown on me, it's one of my faves now so to hear it without having requested it was a real bonus! "Queen of darkness" *sings* LOL!

I had to vacate though when the end of Steve's first set descended into stuff even softer than my lowest levels... I like a bit of Synthpop, Covenant, VNV, etc, but this track literally forced me to up sticks and change floors (a conversation online about an hour ago with my mate Richard ascertained that the track was Code 64 "Leaving Earth" and yeah; just a tad too lightweight even for me (sorry, Steve)).

A couple of hours was then spent upstairs; Danni's other half Simon was on the decks around three-ish; and I was pleasantly surprised by the DJ on immediately before him, played some good noise stuff, right on the nail for me (Xotox followed by Converter, then a few others I can't recall) but then imagine my utter shock to discover it had been HORNY SIMON playing that spot-on noisy set! So, it was stomp stomp all the way upstairs, was asked by two random people if I had any pills/was I on pills, because I was just dancing non-stop all night... Always makes me laugh, that! No drugs, no alcohol, just the music (and a bit of coca cola now and again). I also noticed that a lot of folks seemed to be either watching me or made a point of looking at me dancing as they walked past. Made me a little bit self-conscious until a friend pointed out to me online this morning that it's most likely my physique that's getting the attention (he himself had complimented on how well I have toned up). Maybe, maybe not. What I do know is that it was mainly the girls who were a tad unfit who seemed to be giving me the funny looks, so maybe my friend is right. Anyway, if they are jealous, let them be! It's not as if I have cheated, I work out regularly and thus have a figure that I am at last happy with. If anyone is jealous, all they have to do is join a gym and go regularly :)

Well around 4-ish I decided to investigate the middle floor again and yay! Steve was on again so I went over, and said "Guess what I'm going to ask you for?!" He just laughed and said "Tactical Sekt" and a few tracks later he played them. Thanks Steve :) He played a few other faves including "Dead Man's Song" (love that one) before Simon took over and played a varied mix. My legs were getting a bit stiff, I had achy knees so I sat down for a bit and had to do some stretches before I could carry on.

Loki closed the night; played a few more I recognised (no more dark elektro though, sadly) but I got some more dancing in before calling it a night. I got my stuff and got changed, and was surprised to not feel in the least bit tired so for the first time I walked from Angel back to Euston! Once there, I got myself some food, then caught the train back. My calves were already aching a bit so I knew that I will be a bit stiff come Monday!

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