Title: Prologue "Crazy Love"
akam3lov3Pairing: Akame, Maruda, Nakame, Jinda, Kokunno.
Summary: Love is complicated, but will they all find happiness?
Author’s Notes: This is going to be my first multichaptered fanfic so I hope this goes well. Also thanks a bunch
sadaoru for BETA it for me. ENJOY~!
I am Kamenashi Kazuya and I’m in love with Akanishi Jin. The thing is, I don’t know if he feels the same way about me. Why? Because, between the two of us, I’ve always been the more affectionate one. Sometimes, I think he’s only with me because our field of work and not because he loves me. I mean were both popular together but is that why he’s with me? There is too many questions I need to ask him I need to ask him but I’m too afraid to confront him. We make love and say “I love you” to each other and both mean a lot to me but what about him? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel as if there is someone else I am meant to be with...?
I am Akanishi Jin and I’m in love with Ueda Tatsuya. You see, I am in love with this guy for many obvious reasons. He’s gorgeous, talented and strong and when I am around him he makes the child in me appear. I find myself doing adolescent things to gain his attention. I know for certain that he does not feel the same way about me which only makes me more upset in the end. I know he cannot return my feelings as I, myself, am dating another man. Kamenashi Kazuya and he is sleeping with his childhood friend Nakamaru Yuichi. There is nothing I can do… but maybe, just maybe, someday he will be mine....
I am Ueda Tatsuya and I’m in love with Nakamaru Yuichi. I love him because he is himself. He does not feel embarrassed to act like a “dork” and most importantly, I feel most comfortable around him. We have been together for a long time and met around the same time Kame met Jin. Nakamaru says he loves me but why do I doubt him? Do I hope for someone else to love me? Nakamaru and I do everything together and I feel happy just being around him but does he feel the same? I know it's wrong of me to think this way but I don’t plan on losing the man I love the most…
I am Nakamaru Yuichi and I am in love with Kamenashi Kazuya. I thought he was always the one for me until Akanishi Jin stole him from me. I loved Kazuya once. I loved him for all the wonderful things he is: smart, hard working, sweet and loving. However, it’s too bad he doesn’t think that he deserves someone better. I’m not saying that “someone” is me but someone else that can cherish Kazuya the way he deserves. Although, I hope someday, somehow, I can make him mine.
Will they all find happiness as they face the hardest obstacles that are ahead of them?