Trust in Me [1/2]

Mar 26, 2014 15:14

Title: Trust in Me [1/2]
Pairings: Krisho, Hunhan, Kaisoo, ChenLay, TaoMIn
Summary: Kyungsoo sings effortlessly as he recalls everything based on that song.
Notes: Based on the song "Can't take my eyes off of you" by Frankie Valli.
Word Count: 7k~

Note note: inspireed by Namja singing the song sobs ;ww;

You're just too good to be true
Can’t take my eyes off of you

Kyungsoo sang as he watched all the customers in the bar. Being one of the main singers, he now knew most of the customers. He sees Jongin skillfully stir up drinks for customers and he sees Luhan greeting people in by the entrance, he sees Tao serving drinks in his sleek black suit and Jongdae peeking out of the kitchen, he sees Chanyeol kissing Baekhyun a quick kiss as the much smaller male passes the tray of desserts to him and he sees Yixing smiling at the counter with Minseok by his side, Kyungsoo then sees familiar body guards come in along side a certain someone and he shuts his eyes and smiles, his vocal chords stretching deeper chords and singing effortlessly to please his listeners.

You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

It wasn't everyday that he chose this song to sing, as a matter of fact, he sang this song for a reason. This song had meant so much, so eventful, so memorable that it had been treasured whole heartedly by him. So many things had happened and only this song proved every one of the joys of a passing hardship.

This song meant so much, so much so that it was the mission song who when they were faced with hardships, the birthday song that they barely could celebrate amongst all the worries and pain, the wedding song which happened so quickly that even was on the alert for something unexpected and even an anniversary song for when they finally, finally could settle down.

And perhaps even a lullaby for a certain someone’s child.

Kyungsoo smiles as he sings even more, expressing all the joys of love that he has witnessed from his brother towards his brother in law. It was a weird relationship but it proved that they were meant for each other, each and everyone in this were fated to meet each other. Even Jongin, the man he truly loves, the man he was married to, whom holds him every scared and helpless night despite all the fear surrounding them, the man who he loves so truly much, everyone was pulled into this. It’s not as if they had chosen this life, well maybe for Tao and Jongdae it was but for the others, they didn’t have any other choice. Sure, Luhan had an out along the way in the mission but he chose to stay, he chose his love and he chose his new family over his much too rich and obnoxious parents. He chose to stay just as Kyungsoo chose to stay with Jongin when the younger had saved him from his abusive parents. It wasn’t a decision when Yixing was barely breathing, beaten to plup when their now leader stepped in to save him. It was a decision when Baekhyun was saved from the slave trade, nor was it for Chanyeol when he was soon to be shipped of for the porn industry. It wasn’t a decision for Minseok when the older male was petrified of being raped over and over again by his guardians, his foster parents and it clearly wasn’t a decision when Sehun practically grew up with the man whom now protects them.

And it clearly wasn’t a decision when you had lost the spark in your eye when lies have been whispered to your ears over and over again that your lover was non-existent.

It was a dying urge to want to hold his so called non-existent lover, to want them to sooth you, to kiss you, to whisper endless and meaningless nothings to your ear, to want them to come back to you and fight for you even when everything was against their odds.

It was heaven for their leader to even touch his lover that time when they were finally reunited. To be able to love and to smile and cry in joy knowing all the battles were worth it.

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive

Kyungsoo was saved when he smashed the beer bottle at his father’s head; he smashed it so hard his father immediately fell to the ground lifeless. His mother entered the room and screamed MURDER! But he took the remaining piece of the glass bottle and stabbed her with it. He had had enough and even if he was put to prison, he didn’t give a damn cause time and time after he had reported to the police, called the social service and to the extend of telling his teachers, no on gave him a glance upon seeing his parents deliberately cried in front of them telling them that Kyungsoo was a troubled child who need guidance. No one asked him the second time. And when Kyungsoo walked into the police station and placed the tip of the alcohol bottle on the counter, blood all over his clothes, he glared at them and walked up the van - to Jongin - waiting for him.

Luhan was just the same; he looked at his parents’ begging eyes. They cried and screamed for him to stop this nonsense, to stop this insanity but did the blonde boy listen? No. He looked at them with heartless and soulless eyes and smiled a sad and sadistic smile. You wanted me to be the top and I did try, but sadly, my brother was always in the way. So I’ll just had to erase him and maybe then you’ll realize that I was on top all the while. Luhan smiled as he watched his twin brother’s snort and tears roll down his face in fear. Suhan screamed into the cloth around his mouth and tried to back away from the piece of wood in his twin brother’s hand. Luhan followed him.

He swung the wooden piece against his twin’s head till blood was splattered all over the room and on his clothings. The scene was gruesome and his parents watched the murder of their son before their eyes. Luhan looked at them one last time before he walked out of their house with his lover.

Yixing had a different lifestyle but he too chose to go up the van, him being constantly sick and constantly made guilty was the reason why he deliberately cooked his family dinner that night with sleeping pills in his signature fish porridge. He made them all finish it, all 5 of them and he watched as one by one they collapsed in drowsiness. He then poured kerosene all over the house and made sure to put cans of pesticides at certain areas and to make sure the electric and the stove were turned on. Just like in the movies, he turned the oven on with the lid open, windows all shut and the phone by the microwave. He walks out harmed with bruises and cuts from his parents before they collapsed and he goes up the van even when he is struggling for breath. They - or rather Jongdae - drive him to the hospital and admit him for breathing disabilities, the hospital tells him to telephone his family and he does.

Somewhere in China, a bungalow explodes in flames, killing everyone in the house immediately.

Baekhyun was butt naked and gagged when the place he was at was raided. Running away from home due to an arranged marriage, he now had a dick up his ass when it happened and even though he couldn’t see behind the blindfold on him, he felt strong arms encircle him. Words of comfort from the male made him cry and he told the man to please kill them all, he cried telling him to get rid of them and to mercilessly murder and shut them down. The male nods as Baekhyun is passed to another male, his gag and blindfold removed. Baekhyun watches as his lover kill each and everyone in the room except for the other victims of the slave trade. He watched Chanyeol mercilessly exploded his kidnapper’s and his violater’s head, sending their brains flying everywhere other than in them. Baekhyun was then wrapped in his lover’s coat and lifted up.

“Don’t you fucking go walking around like a fucking piece of meat away again, Park Baekhyun.”

And Baekhyun knew it was love.

Tao had a gun pointed to his head as the buff man above him instruct his men to hold the pretty male down. His clothes were cut open as the disguisting man above him lick his neck, the older man smiled into his skin and bit down. Being in the prostitute field had made him understand his place but each and every time he tries to fight back something surely backfires.

This time though, it was different.

Cause Minseok came in shooting everyone in his way. He threw Tao a gun and the younger male shot his violator’s dick, he shoots each and everyone of them down along side his lover and they walk out leaving the bloody scene for others to worry about.

They all had had enough.

And if it weren’t for their lovers whom supported them and told them to stand up for themselves, they probably wouldn’t had done such things and probably would had continued suffering up till now.

And all were in the name of love.

All for the sake of their other half

All for the sake of their leader’s other half

All for the sake of their leader even when he was badly bruised and shot, struggling to survive

And all for the sake of their leader’s never ending love.

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

It wasn’t something they all expected when they all were brought to the huge mansion in the outskirts of Seoul and it certainly was a sight to see when their supposed leader had his face in his palms, tears rolling off his cheeks even after everything he had said and done for them to be strong. They all sat by him as he cried in his hands, telling them that he was sorry he was in this condition upon their arrival and that he was sorry he wasn’t strong enough to support himself.

He told them that his lover was taken away from him and that he found out that his lover was now on the death list if he couldn’t bring the things and money they wanted. Their leader cried telling them he had already given them everything in order to keep his lover alive yet nothing could stop them now that he had nothing.

The new occupants of his house all looked at each other.

“Hyung.” Jongdae says,” We’re here to help you.”
“You’ve helped us escape our hell and now it’s time for us to help you. We may not be as capable as we look what not with some of us still healing from physical bruises but hyung, trust me when I say the 11 of you, including you hyung, we can take them down and we can get your lover home before they even have the chance to blink.”

Their leader stares at them skeptically.

“Yifan hyung,” Sehun says,” What else can you do other than trust us?”

Yifan nods as Sehun tells the rest the whole story. Sehun being the only one whom had been staying with Yifan since he was barely 5 knew everything he needed to know about his hyung. He told them about Yifan and how he fell in love with a pretty male whom was just too good to be true, the male was on a debt exchange and his parents didn’t give a damn about him as long as their debt was repaid, they gave him and Yifan just had to want him.

“He had the nicest eyes, skin so fair and lips so smooth. He was beautiful and I swore if he smiled, even the sun would blush at it but all was taken away when the debt collectors smiled knowing that was my weakness. They’ve been doing this for years and up till now, it’s a case, which could never be settled. My father took Junmyeon, my most precious lover, away.”

Gasps were heard.

“That’s right. The debt collector and the person who wants me dead and penniless is none other than my father. And he wouldn’t stop till I’m no longer a threat to his business.”

I love you baby and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights
“Junmyeon made me happy. When we were once together as young adults, he made me smile and he made me laugh. Though he never knew I existed till one day he was being violated and I beat the plup out of those assholes. The look in his eyes weren’t fear like what I was used to but it was admiration. He looked at me with so much intensity, at first I was baffled by it but little did I know that that look was because no one had ever stood up for him. The next day and the day after that I did not see him in school. I went to search for him and that’s when I heard the news; Junmyeon was taken away by debt collectors and the debt collector was none other than my father.

Back then, just by thinking about him made me warm at night and even when I could do nothing but to beg my father to not do anything to him, I cried myself to sleep occasionally. Of course Sehun would be there to back me up and made me stand my ground and even with the façade I had for all of you, nothing could make me feel easy knowing my lover’s life was in my father’s hand.”

“All I ever wanted was that Junmyeon was safe and that he would be in my arms instead of that dungeon under my father’s watchful eyes.”

I love you baby, trust in me when I say
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray

Yifan had been through it all. He watched as his father killed his mother when he was seven. He watched as his father killed people on a daily basis, he watched as the man mercilessly murdered people in his way of business. Initially, his father loved him with all his heart and lived to protect the child, he made sure that Yifan was given the best type of education, he was sent to self defense classes and that he knew everyone he needed to know in the black market. He was brought up to know everything so that one day he could take over his father’s business and that he would be the one whom will succeed the family business.

But somewhere along the line and when Yifan was 18, his father saw him as a threat. Sure his father was the one who told him to start his own business to prove himself worthy to his father but what the older man did not expect was that his customers were now thinking of working with his son over him. Yifan of course told his father’s loyal customers to resume having business with his father seeing as someday he will be the successor of the company. Those though made them all trust in him and sealed deal after deal with the young teen. His father’s shares and income were all dropping tremendously and Yifan were to blame.

Yifan was to be brought down from his new ranking and to be shown his place before his father.

When Junmyeon came into the picture, he was used against Yifan. With a gun pointed to the pretty male’s head, Yifan was forced to give all deals to his father, he was forced to shut his company down and forced all his loyal members to enter his father’s company. It was difficult decision in which he had to choose and of course Junmyeon told him “Don’t bother about me Yifan. Your company is much more important!”

But of course, his love for Junmyeon was larger than his potential in the black market.

Right before Junmyeon was yet again man handled and taken away from him, he tells Junmyeon,” Wait for me.”

Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you stay
And let me love you baby, let me love you

When Kyungsoo met Jongin

When Baekhyun met Chanyeol

When Luhan met Sehun

When Tao met Minseok

When Yixing met Jongdae

Or perhaps, when the men met their women safe to say that all 5 of them were just attracted the males on the screen in Yifan’s room.

“Do Kyungsoo. Abusive parents.”

Jongin looked at those large and pretty eyes and he was absorbed to them. Large and scared, the pretty male had so much emotion in his eyes that Jongin could see the whole universe in them. His eyes were so wide and the emotions on his face in each and everyone of Yifan’s pictures showed him that the pretty male needed an out from everything.

He needed to be able to witness the emotions in his eyes other than fear.

Chanyeol looked at that sad smile on the pretty male’s face, smile so depressing and fake yet no one could see it. His smile was something that Chanyeol wanted to see and it was something the tall mall wanted to witness. He wanted to see what Baekhyun’s lips would look like when cried, when he laughed, when he smiled, when he spoke, when he kissed.

He needed to smile with emotions.

Sehun looked at the baby faced male projected on the screen and he just knew the male needed the love and attention that he longed for, the male needed everything Sehun could give and Sehun was willing to protect him if it meant his happiness.

He needed to witness his happiness.

Jongdae looked at the pictures of the Chinese man on the screen and fell for him. The pretty male looking weak and sickly yet with no care or love, Jongdae felt a pull towards him and he decided on the spot. “I want this one.”

He needed to pamper the male.

Minseok stared at the last picture blankly and said nothing. He looked at the person in front of him and nodded to Yifan when the tall male passed him the folder, he said nothing but he read more and more about him he just couldn’t seem to erase the look in those intriguing eyes. He couldn’t erase it out of his mind and he just wanted to know answers, why was he in the trade, why is he so tall yet submissive, why didn’t he fight back?

He needed answers.

And when the men found them, all questions, all anger, all frustrations, and everything they did was worth it cause one glance from their targets and they knew, they knew it was worth it.

Because love at first sight was just a myth if you wouldn’t have at least seen the good side of the person’s inner beauty.

The men fell in love, and of course, they all but helped them free themselves from their sufferings.

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare

It was awkward initially for everyone in the mansion after witnessing their strong leader crumble down because of a lover.

But then again it was never just a meaningless and merely lover, it was his soul mate, the reason for him to live, his reason to smile, his reason to keep on fighting till the very end, and his soul reason to learn to protect.

Of course the newly acquainted lovers in the house were still very much awkward with each other seeing as one side of the couple had known almost everything about them yet the other side had no clue who they really were.

Sehun continuously stared at Luhan as the pretty male smiled at Baekhyun as they softly talked about distractions for the mission.

Jongin stared at Kyungsoo as the pretty male discussed with Chanyeol about which guns and weaponry would be best to use for combat seeing as Yifan would rather not just blow up everything in the building.

Jongdae stared as Yixing treat Tao’s wounds as they conversed in Mandrin about something, which sounded like hacking into the system.

And of course, the rest of them watched as Yifan stared at the photoframe on his desk for hours. He just stared blankly at it as the rest of them prepared for the combat. Jongin with the car, Jongdae with the passcodes and gadgets, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol with weaponary, Tao with his computer and hacking devices, Baekhyun and Luhan as distractions, Minseok with close combats, Sehun with a bat - quite literally, and Yixing with the first aid kit. Yifan stared at them as they looked at him expectedly.

Yifan felt close to nothing as he saw all his fellow friends now all geared up and ready to help me claim what was rightfully his. Not even after killing so many people for his father, for breaking contracts, putting deals on temporary on hold, not even when he went to his mother’s grave and shot everyone whom was trying to dig out the precious family secrets Yifan had hid 6 feet under with decaying body.

And when Sehun looked at him with a bored look saying, “ Are you going to save Junmyeon or are you going to continue moping around here just cause you thought there was no other way?”
“Sehun!” Luhan protested.
“Are you going to sit there and watch them man handle him” Minseok then said.
“Sitting them watching him suffer just cause you know he’s your weakness and that there is nothing you can do about it? Just cause you’re too afraid to do something?”
“Are you going to waste your time doing nothing?”
“I did everything up till here, we did everything up till here and you want to back out now? Have you lost your mind?”
“Are you a wimp or are you the next heir to the Scorpion clan?”

“Are you sure you’re the ruthless and merciless next in line Scorpion King?” Baekhyun suddenly says,” Cause I remember hearing those bastards at the whore house saying why the fuck would anyone want to mess with Wu Yifan.”

And nothing could express nor compare to the burning passion not newly ignited into those dead and depressing eyes.

The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak

Junmyeon had a cock in his mouth when he heard gunshots, he was crying when he heard it and he almost bit into the cock in his mouth. He received a slap on this face because of that and he fell to the ground in pain. He was naked, he was sore, he was bleeding and he was degraded into nothing. He heard the endless gunshots and how the man whom was taking advantage of him quickly putting his pants back on and exiting the room, yet a few foot steps later and the loudest gun shot was heard. Junmyeon crawled into a ball and stiffened himself, he welcomed death as the door was opened and he didn’t even bother to look up as the gun shots around them went on endlessly.


Words like whispers and voice so strong, Junmyeon slowly looked up to one calling him and he cries. He cries seeing Yifan right in front of him and he tries to stand up to hug him. His movements are pulled back by the chains around his neck and he coughs in pain, eyes squinting as blood seeps out his cuts around his neck. Yifan gently moves Junmyeon’s head to the side, he tells Junmyeon to bare with the sound and shoots the chains making them all fly in different directions. Once the chains are gone and Junmyeon is free to move, Yifan hushes his lover and hugs him.

“I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”

Yifan lifts Junmyeon up after he covers him in his huge coat, he lifts the pretty male effortlessly and he brings the male out of the room. Junmyeon sees as a group of males shooting everyone else down in their path, a tall male covers them as they leave, a shorter male behind them. More of the men surround them and together they leave the premises, up two vans and the both vehicles turn towards different directions.

They drive for about 4 hours before a brunette in the front seat says,”Boss, Yixing says Sehun was hit.”

Yifan whips his head towards the male,”What?!”

“Sehun is losing blood at an alarming rate, they need to bring him to a hospital.”
“Tell them to go to LeeTeuk’s house.”

The male speaks quietly to the phone in his hands and then he turns around again.

“Sehun is in bad shape.”
“He’ll make it. He promised Luhan they’ll get married.”

And the conversation was left at it is.

Junmyeon woke up hours later and Yifan turns to him, ”Sorry, did I wake you up?” Junmyeon shakes his head lightly.

“I’m sending you to Japan for awhile.”

Junmyeon wide eyes.

“Relax. It’ll only be for a short period of time while we patch Sehun back together and for me to get things settled with my father.”

The pretty male looks down and says nothing. He silently wears the clothes that Yifan hands him and takes the bag that brunette gave him. Yifan kisses him on the forehead and gently pushes him to the helicopter waiting for him. Junmyeon sees Jongin in the helicopter seated in front and he cries when the male hugs him.

“You’re, we’re going to be safe, hyung. Yifan hyung promised us.”
“Why are you here, Jongin?”
“I had to get you free and since our bastard of a pair parents couldn’t give a shit about us, I had to-“
“Had to?”

Jongin looks away.

“Had to what Jongin?”
“I killed them hyung.”

Junmyeon wide eyes.

“You- You killed-“
“When you’re in the black market, hyung,” Jongin cuts his brother, ”You have to kill those whom are a threat to you. I saw them as a threat to us, hyung.”
“Hyung, do you have any idea how many people Yifan hyung has killed? Our jobs now require us to kill those in our way, hyung. How do you think Yifan hyung is on top of the market if it was a clean reputation? You have to realize this, Junmyeon hyung. For us to be on top and for your safety, our boss, Yifan hyung would be killing a lot more people.”

Silence engulfed them before the small male next to Junmyeon spoke out.

“Jong, he’s your brother. Don’t be too harsh on him.”
“Don’t you dare Kyunggie me, Kim Jongin.”

The smaller male turns to Junmyeon and smiles even though there’s a fully loaded gun in his lap.

“I’m Kyungsoo. I’m dating your brother.”


“It’s okay, boss. Junmyeon will be safe with Yunho hyung and Jaejong hyung. Don’t worry.”
“I know,” Yifan sighs, ”It just hurts me to know that Junmyeon all but wanted me by his side.”
“You did what you could, hyung. Now we have other things to worry about.”

Chanyeol turns to Yifan.

“Nothing else needs to be said bout Junmyeon, hyung. He’s in the safety of Yunho and Jaejong, and they’re in Japan. What matters now is that we take care of Sehun and we take care of your father. You can’t have him holding you down again hyung. We didn’t fight till this stage for all that.”

Yifan nods at his best friend’s words and goes up the helicopter.

So if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real

“Yes, hyung?”
“Do you think Yifan will ever come back for me?”

Jongin looks towards Jaejong and Yunho as Junmyeon stares at the snow outside their living room. It’s been months since Junmyeon and Kaisoo have been staying with both Yunho and Jaejong yet no they have received no word from Yifan.

“I wonder-“

Soft and chubby hands slap lightly on Junmyeon’s cheeks and the pretty male looks down to see baby Moonbin on his lap.

“Myeonnie soft.” The baby giggles, “Just like umma.”

Junmyeon smiles softly at the baby and the baby successfully steal all of his attention and questions about Yifan. Jaejong nods at Yunho as the male leaves the room - after kissing Jaejong’s head - and telephones Yifan.

“What happened?”
“Well hello to you too, Yifan.”
“I’m sorry, hyung.”
“It’s okay.”
“D-Did something happen?”
“Junmyeon asked about you.”

Yunho heard Yifan inhale a deep breath.

“What did you say?”
“Moonbin distracted him.”
“I love your son. Please give him 10 kisses for me.”

Yunho laughs before turning serious.

“Is everything alright there?” Yunho sees Kyungsoo listening intently to their conversation.
“Not good. Father is searching for Junmyeon and he has threaten to kill him, him and me are playing in a minefield. So many deaths hyung, so many innocent people have died.”
“Is he not backing down yet?”
“Until I point a gun at his head and show him that I am now in control, he probably wouldn’t stop.”
“What’s stopping you?”

A period of silence.

“Mother is.”
“Well whatever the reason, I hope you realize that you not contacting Junmyeon is killing him too. Moonbin can’t distract him forever and you know that.”

That night, Junmyeon gets a phone call and he cries listening to his lover speak to him.

Kyungsoo watches as Junmyeon cry endlessly into the phone, he listens to everything that Yifan has to say and he nods even when he knows Yifan can’t see him. He watches in pain as Junmyeon cries, telling him to just let him go instead of risking his own life and he turns away when a ear splitting scream is heard through the house. Junmyeon faints as he hears Yifan whisper I love you-s into the phone.

Part 2:

A/n: Please leave me a comment <3

# kaisoo, @ tvxq crossover, # taomin, # krisho, # baekyeol, rating ; pg 13, & series: song fic, # chenlay, # hunhan

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