14th February

Feb 14, 2014 18:41

Title: 14th February
Pairing: Krisho
Summary: Yifan was suppose to propose to Junmyeon on the 14th of February but 10 years after his said proposal, he still waits for his lover at the train station....

and he will wait till his lover finally comes.

Note: i love angst. :P


14th February 1993

Wu Yifan met Kim Junmyeon for the first time as a play date when his parents had a meeting with the Kim parents. Yifan looks at Junmyeon for the first time and he blinks looking at the fair and pale skinned baby with big eyes blinking back at him. They both stare and their mothers urges them to play together, they are both pushes slightly to each other and both babies shoved their toys into each others face. They smile and immediately became best of friends.

14th February 1995

Yifan waited for Junmyeon at the train station with a broad smile on his face. It’s been awhile since he last saw his friend - his mother looks and him and laughs saying they just met 3 weeks ago but he doesn’t care- he couldn’t sleep the previous night, anticipation and excitement flowing in his blood as the clock ticked time closer and closer to Junmyeon’s time of arrival.

All he cared about what Junmyeon and the smile on his face.

In Yifan’s hands was a bouquet of daisies his mother helped him pick that very morning, dressed in a smart casual shirt the young boy waited for Junmyeon and when the clock finally strike 1pm, the pretty male came running out of the train upon it opening, jumping into Yifan’s arms.

Junmyeon pounced on Yifan and they hugged each other tightly, happiness and laughter immediately filling the air around them. Their mothers smiling lovingly at the two children hugging, fathers shaking their heads while they babble and told each other about how much they missed one another.

Their fathers carried their luggage and Yifan pulls Junmyeon to the car, immediately clamping their hands together while talking nonstop to each other.

“Come on Myeonnie quickkkkkk!! I have to show you my new toy and my new collections!”
“Wufan is that-“
“Oh and yes here. These are for you I picked them with Mummie this morning. You should be happy cause I picked them out for you.”

Junmyeon smiles and he swore to himself he’s never going to find another else like Yifan.

14th February 1996

Yifan's plane has an hour delay and Junmyeon waits anxiously at the airport. He waits and waits and waits and almost falls off his chair if his appa didn't carry him into his arms. His mother smiles softly as she coos at him for loving Yifan more than her before going back to his baby brother, Jongin. They tell him that Yifan is on his way and that Uncle Pilot is probably bringing them safely and soundly, they tell him he needs to be patient cause hastiness gets him no where. Junmyeon pouts and otps to play with his second brother, Jongdae, he holds the younger’s hands as the young boy looks at Junmyeon with wide eyes.

When the plane Yifan and his family boarded lands, Junmyeon - along with his bodyguard- is the first to run off and stand at the international arrival gates. He bounces up and down as he tries to spot his friend and the security guard carries him up on his shoulder to aid his problem. The grown up smiles as Junmyeon excitedly laughs and shrieks at the teases from the other security guards. It was after all, Kim Junmyeon the heir of the Kim Airlines, the young boy who was brilliant in all that he did and the young boy who was constantly seen moving in and out of the airport like it’s his second home. Everyone in the airport knows him, this security guard non-the less.

His parents arrive several minutes later -when they got Jongin to eat another scoop of baby food and when Jongdae was securely in his appa’s arms- and they laughed at how little Junmyeon is seated on a buff man telling him about how wonderful Yifan is. The moment the small child spots his friend; the guard puts him down and Junmyeon charges at his friend.

They tumble and the passagers all laugh at how cute the duo is.

Yifan was introduced to Kim Jongin that year while Junmyeon was introduced to Wu Chanyeol and Wu Kyungsoo, Yifan’s new adopted brothers.

They kids, all 6 of them were more than thrilled at year. Playing their hearts out as the older two showed their younger siblings how they played certain games and how they slept or even camped outside just to watch the stars. Yifan got to know that Chanyeol loves star gazing very quickly and Junmyeon finds out that Kyungsoo is practically glued to Jongin. Jongdae gets left out sometimes out of accident but with the help of the older two, the problems solve very quickly and soon they are all screaming their hearts out, laughing at random things and just generally enjoying their childhood.

That year, Jongin cried nonstop when Kyungsoo had to leave with his family. Junmeyon held Jongin close to him as his baby brother sobbed endlessly in his dress shirt. Jongdae held to his arm as they waved to the Wu family farewell. The scene was heart breaking for everyone but it was inevitable.

14 February 2000

Junmyeon tells Yifan he can’t come to China cause he has to attend his appa's client's dinner.

Yifan was upset and threw a tantrum, shouting at Junmyeon via video call saying that Junmyeon lied to him and that he had already planned all their activities. Junmyeon apolygizes to his best friend and tells him that his parents need him to take care of his younger siblings as they socialize for the sake of their company. It was a tough decision for Junmyeon but the safety of his brothers came before his own happiness, and being the worrisome and oldest amongst the Kim family, he told Yifan he didn’t trust nannies to take care of them.

They duo talked to each other for the longest period ever and it was only broken when Jongdae came in with a crying Jongin.

“Hyung, Jongin says he bumped his head.”
“I have a play date with Baekkie and Ryeowook said to be quick.” His brother quickly says and Junmyeon sighs. The oldest son takes his now 4-year-old brother into his arms and bids Yifan goodbye. Jongin blinks as he watches the video call end and turns just in time to see Junmyeon’s sad smile.

14 February 2001/02

The tradition continues but only Yifan visits Junmyeon and Junmyeon visits Yifan. Their parents are busy with work and taking care of the kids while the duo have fun on their own. The Wu kids spend most of their time with Junmyeon seeing as the Wu parents aren’t like the happy and less stressed out Kim parents, they have what little fun they have and for once - in what Junmyeon could see- was the fact that they were actually less stressed out.

Junmyeon returns home telling his umma about it but his mothers shakes her head telling him that the Wu kids have it rough cause they’re of a prestigious family and it’s only duty to live up to people’s expectations and living up to pleasing other people due to fame and family name. The young boy rests his head on his umma’s lap and tells her he doesn’t want his parents to work so hard and to earn lesser if it means they get to live happily. His mother smiles and kisses his head telling him that she’ll keep that in mind.

That night, the Kim parents looked at each other before they fell asleep whispering things of what seemed to be a walk down memory lane and the Kim parents promised each other to keep little Junmyeon’s promise if it means they’ll be happy.

14 February 2003

Yifan tells Junmyeon he can't come cause he's going back to Canada for the holidays with his family.

Junmyeon sees the eye bags forming below his friend’s eyes despite the bad quality of the video call but he knows his friend is much too stressed out. He doesn’t say anything about those eye bags nor the sudden cold treatment but he tells him to stay happy. He wishes him and his family well and Yifan nods, barely saying a word in response as ends the call.

Jongin found his brother staring at his blank computer screen and runs to Kangin saying his hyung is frozen and unresponsive. When Kangin practically bolts and breaks the boy’s door, he notices the frown on the pretty boy’s face.

“Wanna talk about it?”
“Yifan told me to start calling him Kris.”
“And he said he can’t come this year cause they’re going to Canada.”
“Yifan said it was a family trip but his face expressions say that that it’s probably another one of his parents’ business trip.”
“Maybe it is.”

Junmyeon looked up towards Kangin and frowns deeper. The older man leaves him and went to attack the youngest son of the Kim family for making him panic. The shrieks and laughter of the child bounced around the house and even Jongdae’s voice could be heard laughing along with them. Minutes later after the said attack with Jongdae not helping Kangin with tickling his younger brother and with Hyukjae and Donghae - their body guards- laughing at them, Junmyeon appears.

“Hmm?” Kangin says as he looks up from the laughing Jongin, a wide smile plastered on his face.
“I have a feeling Yifan isn’t going to be my friend anymore.”

That being said, Donghae faints, Hyukjae catches his beloved and giving a horrored look at Junmyeon and Kangin’s smiled faltered as he held Jongin closer to him, his grip tightening but not tight enough to bruise.

That night, Junmyeon cried in his mother’s embrace.

14 February 2004

Both Junmyeon and Yifan had already had family events to attend to.

Junmyeon has his boarding school to registered to while Yifan was busy with his family affairs. Junmyeon didn’t even video call with Yifan, instead he video called with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo with Jongdae and Jongin by his side. The five of them talked endlessly for about an hour or so before the door to Chanyeol’s room slammed open and Yifan was yelling at them to keep it down. Kyungsoo gave Yifan a frown while Chanyeol got angry. Kyungsoo ended the call soon after as he didn’t want them to witness them yelling at each other, he apologized and the call ended just as that.

Junmyeon turned to his siblings and they looked back at him.

That night, Junmyeon video called Yifan yet again and they talked about Yifan’s behavior towards his siblings. Yifan sighs at the nagging he got because of him yelling and the slightly older male nods in acknowledgement about how to treat his brothers and his stress.

14 February 2005

Yifan tells Junmyeon he can no longer come over cause he needs to study hard to someday take over his family's business.

But honestly, Junmyeon thinks that Yifan is probably just bored of him cause all Junmyeon ever talks about is how Yifan should be like this and how Yifan should be like that. He sighs as he celebrates another 14th February with his siblings instead of Yifan then sighs again cause Yifan is probably sick of him and his face.

Junmyeon experienced one of the most lonely Valentines day that year cause his parents were having a romantic candlelight dinner together, Jongin was at his friend’s Sehun’s house, Jongdae was at his friend, Baekhyun’s house, Donghae and Hyukjae went out for a date while Kangin went out to spend his Valentine’s Day with his wife and kids.

The day couldn’t had passed any slower than bawling his eyes out watching random soup opera-s and dramas about other lonely or perfect couples having dates and getting married.

14 February 2006

Junmyeon wishes Yifan Happy Valentine's day through Skype for the first time but Yifan cuts him off saying he was busy with schoolwork and that they can’t talk. Junmyeon couldn’t even tell him his feelings cause Yifan cut the call.

Junmyeon sighed and looked at the pretty Valentine’s Day card he received from the next China exchange student in his class. He sighs yet again before taking his jacket, left a note saying he was going for a walk and have a stroll in the park.

14 February 2007

Yifan has his first girlfriend. Yifan introduces her to him via the video call and Junmyeon forces himself to smile for him. He pretended to be happy for them and tried to be friends with the other girl but of course, the conversation is cut short yet again cause Yifan and his girlfriend was going out for a romantic date.

And Junmyeon has his first heartbreak that year and regrets not accepting that lovely boy from his class.

14 February 2008

Yifan tells Junmyeon he broke up with his girlfriend. Crying to Junmyeon and telling him how he saw his girlfriend kissing another older male and that he found out that she was actually selling for body for money. He told Junmyeon about how he was lied to and how devastated he was when he found out, the conversation and Yifan mourning went on and on for hours. But when Yifan finally realizes what he had done - 3 hours and 26 minutes later- he wide eyes and looked straight into the camera of his laptop asking him how he was going to spend his Valentines that day.

Junmyeon says nothing for a while as he contemplates about whether he should tell Yifan that he now has a handsome boyfriend a senior introduced to him. He thinks and after a few seconds, the doorbells rings and he hears Kangin shout “Changmin is here!” and Junmyeon just waits for him to arrive to the room.

When the tall male appears, Yifan watches as the male kissed Junmyeon and give him a Valentine’s day gift. The tall male looks at the screen and waves,” Oh! You must be Yifan! Sorry I stole Junmyeon’s heart before you even had the guts to.”

Junmyeon chokes in his drink and smacks Changmin but the older male had other things in mind. Things like kissing and making out with Junmyeon in front of Yifan.

Yifan ended the call not a moment too soon and Junmyeon smiles sadly.

“Thanks for doing that for me, hyung.”

Changmin smiles,” Anything for Jaejong hyung’s son.”

They sit there awkwardly for a while before Changmin says;” But seriously though, do I still look very young cause I’m honestly at least 5 years older than you.”

14 February 2009

Junmyeon and Yifan stop contacting each other due to busy schedules.

Or in Jongdae’s and Chanyeol’s eyes, due to private issues with each other. The younger two gossip about their brothers behind their back about how they probably broke up with each other and Jongin along with Kyungsoo joins in the fun, laughing and telling them about what they knew about the duo.

14 February 2010

Both Junmyeon and Yifan are unavailable on skype.

Junmyeon spends his Valentines alone in a beach just relaxing and watching people have dates, he helps hand out flowers to single mothers and single people and he gives sweets to kids just to see them smile. He spends it alone as he looks at the sunset by the beach, his eyes just staring into the sinking sun as his heart breaks a little more that year.

14 February 2011

Yifan skypes Junmyeon and tells him he's sorry for all the years they have missed each other, he’s sorry for being so proud of himself sometimes, how he always only thought about himself only and how he got a girlfriend just to try to forget Junmyeon’s smile.

Junmyeon tells him he's sorry for not trying hard enough., he tells him he should had told him earlier but couldn’t cause they only contact each other once a year, he tells him that he probably has loved him since 10 years ago and that he was actually happy enough Yifan is talking to him right that moment.

They make up that year.

And everyone was happy about it.

14 February 2012

Yifan tells Junmyeon he loves him.

14 February 2013

Junmyeon accepts Yifan's love confession.

Though a year later, Yifan was more than happy about it and he cried through video call cause he should had booked a flight to South Korea but he couldn’t cause his family wanted him to attend a company dinner with a client.

Junmyeon tells him it’s not his fault cause he didn’t know Junmyeon’s answer anyways, but they promise to meet each other when they have the time. They spoke for hours with many other interrupts, all which was done on purpose just to tease them especially from a Kim Youngwon to which Junmyeon had to call Kim Jungsoo to make the older man stop teasing him.

Kangin gave Junmyeon what seemed to be a cross of a displeased look and a pout as he was dragged away by his wife, both laughing at how the buff male could be so scary and fearless towards anyone else but so helpless when it comes to the mercy of his wife.

14 February 2014

The couple starts planning for them to meet each other, both having already book a nice place to spend their Valentines day at, their activities and everything else to do.

But the plans fail cause Yifan had to take over his father's company when his father fell ill suddenly. Yifan told Junmyeon and the pretty male nodded understandingly, he understood it perfectly and told him to go to sleep cause he looked very exhausted.

Those plans were given to Jongin and Kyungsoo seeing as they were more than happy to spend their Valentines together. Jongdae teased them for being so lovey dovey with each other but Jongin retorted saying he was the one dating rich and handsome Yixing anyways. By now, Chanyeol too had a lover cause one fine day, Baekhyun was playing with Jongdae’s computer when the call came in. Being a complete busy body and loud person Byun Baekhyun was, he answered the video call and the duo just stared at each other as if it was love at first sight.

Chanyeol was speaking gibberish and Baekhyun was blushing like a girl who just got asked out for the first time when Jongdae came back to the room. He looked at both of them and smirked knowingly towards the two of them.

14 February 2015

Junmyeon pounches on Yifan and cries in his arms telling him how much Yifan has grown and how much he missed him.

They make up all those years lost within those two weeks of break and no one else could even think of breaking or separating the duo apart. Not even Yifan’s company and not event he constant calls on Junmyeon’s phone from Kim Youngwoon.

They have their first kiss at the airport.

They held each other’s hands for the first time in years in the car.

They hugged for the first time in years in Yifan’s home.

They had their first French kiss in Yifan’s holiday home.

They had their first make love in Yifan’s bedroom in that holiday home.

They looked at each other after their make love and Yifan just couldn’t stop falling over and over again for Junmyeon.

Junmyeon leaves Yifan two weeks after their short trip, telling him he loves him and that Yifan better be good and loyal to him. Yifan tells him that he better be the one who only gets the privillage of being in him and Junmyeon slaps his mouth shut in horror. He scolds Yifan but the taller male only kisses him quiet. They smile at each other one last time and Junmyeon boards his plane.

14 February 2016

Yifan was caught cheating.

Junmyeon was suppose to surprise Yifan at his office in Beijing cause he told the taller male that he couldn’t make it that year cause of the Valentines day craze but when he appeared at the Chinese-Canadian male’s office and his secretary looked at him in horror and tried her best to stop him from entering, he knew.

He told her to sit down as he opened the doors to Yifan’s office door and he witnessed Yifan ramping into another tall and dark skinned pretty male. Yifan didn’t even bother to look up but the pretty male did, he shared eye contact with Junmyeon and was about the tell him to leave them alone cause they were busy until he realized that that male at the door was the same male in the photo frame Yifan just pushed down to the ground cause he just desperately wanted to claim this pretty male.

The male stops Yifan and wanted to point at Junmyeon but his admirations was stopped when Yifan hit his sweet spot.

Hours later after they had cooled down and after the pretty, tall and model like body male finally gets his rest from all that hot sex, Yifan picks up the photoframes on the ground and throws them into the garbage, he calls for his secretary and she comes in with a weak face. He asks her what’s up with her and when she sees the pictures of Junmyeon thrown away she shakes her head telling him she’ll get the cleaners to clean the mess up.

When the model like male was about the leave, he sees one of the pictures of the male half way under the sofa and picks it up.

“Hey, Kris?”
“Yes, love?”
“Who’s this?”
“That’s Junmyeon.”
“Who’s Junmyeon? You seem to have a lot of pictures of him in your office.”
“Y-Yeah. He’s my childhood best friend.”
“Just a best friend?”
“Y-Yeah.” Yifan said coolly.
“Well then I guess he wouldn’t mind witnessing us having sex right?”

Yifan stopped what he was doing and looked up in horror, the blood in his face completely gone as he stared wide eyed at the other male.

“What did you say?”
“I said, I don’t think he’ll mind us having sex then right? I mean he did look hurt when he saw us but who knows, maybe he likes you.”

But Yifan was too late when he reached the airport.

When he tried calling Junmyeon hours later, it went straight into voice mail only leaving him a text saying they’re breaking up cause guys like him are the worst and the cheapest ever.

14 February 2017

Yifan begs Junmyeon for forgiveness saying that he was desparetly and it was his instinct doing it. He wasn’t even thinking when he did that and that he was sorry for everything he had done.

Junmyeon nods telling him he understands.

But nothing is said after that.

14 February 2018

Yifan was supposed to propose to Junmyeon upon the younger's arrival.


Junmyeon never came.

Initially Yifan thought he was playing a prank on him cause even after so many hours of waiting, he pretty male still hasn’t arrived at the train station. He waited the entire day there but no one appears, he begins to panic but he remembers Junmyeon words of not doing anything too rash.

So he waits.

14 February 2019

Yifan waits for Junmyeon at the train station the entire day.

14 February 2020

Yifan waits the entire day again for Junmyeon.

14 February 2021

Yifan's mother tells him not to go out but he still waits for Junmyeon's arrival at the train station.

14 February 2022

Yifan's brother, Chanyeol tells him not to leave the house cause it’s cold outside but he goes and waits for his lover.

14 February 2023

Yifan's father tells him that Junmyeon isn't coming and that Yifan shouldn't wait for him.

But stubborn as he was, he waits the entire day yet again.

14 February 2024

Junmyeon's mother calls and tells Yifan Junmyeon can't make it as an alternative method from Yifan’s parents to help aid Yifan’s PTSD and to help aid his psychological traumas.

Yifan still waits at the train station and ends up sick.

He gets hospitalized for several weeks but he cries only thinking of Junmyeon still wanting to play such a prank on him.

14 February 2025

Chanyeol locks Yifan in the house but Yifan breaks out and tells - shrieks at- him that he has to wait for Junmyeon.

Chanyeol shouts back at him telling him Junmyeon died 7 years ago in a plane crash and that he'll never come.

Yifan looks away saying Junmyeon has to come. He planned everything so perfectly for his lover, and that he has to. He promised Yifan and he will never break his promises. Junmyeon was never one to break promises.

Chanyeol looks at his brother in the eye and tells him,"Junmyeon hyung is no longer alive hyung. You went for his funeral as well. It's time to let go."

But Yifan never let go that year.

Nor the 14th February the year after that.

Or the other 14th Februarys in his life.

Cause in Yifan’s eyes, all he can see is him waiting for Junmyeon to come back to him and for him to explain about what happened, about how Junmyeon was probably going to push him away and cry but Yifan was going to fight for him. Yifan could only see him getting to his knees and begging Junmyeon, telling him about all the beauty he could see in the pretty male, all the regrets he has had, the stupid mistakes he had done to earn a good scolding from Junmyeon. He wanted the pretty male to know that he was the prettiest of them all and the smartest and everything about him and how he was going to go on his knees in public to propose to him.

But year in, year out yet Junmyeon never came.

And all Yifan could do was to wait for him every year at the Route 1026 Train Station for the rest of his life on the 14th of February just to wait for the pretty male to come and accept his proposal.



# kaisoo, @ tvxq crossover, # krisho, rating ; g, # baekyeol

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