Realism in Acting - Chapter 2

Mar 24, 2008 00:01

Title: Realism in Acting (2/?)

Fandom: Tantei Gakuen Q

Pairing: KyuuxRyuu (this has nothing to do with dominance in their relationship)

Warnings: Possibilities of future violence, swearing, and there is now a bit of (kinda) mature content -- yes, two boys are in love, deal with it.

Rating: PG-15, and if you’re sensitive to anything even slightly sexual, run away - boy on boy here!  (Duh.)

Summary: Ryuu comes clean about his orientation, and Kyuu and Kinta have some revealing to do as well.  However, right when Megu, Kinta and Kazuma are ready to launch a teasing attack, Nanami-sensei informs them of their next mission -- investigate a threatening letter sent to a director.  But to make sure no one is harmed, they're going to have to go backstage and on the set, and some of the actors will find themselves in interesting positions.  (Oh, and I’ve decided that they’re all a little older than they were in the drama.  Time has passed, people.)  (Just a note - no one can steal the storyline I use in the movie.  I fully intend to write it out and post it for reading pleasure.  That, or write an actual movie script and get it reviewed… -fantasizes-)  I’m sorry for taking so lone to post this!!!  Don’t kill me!!!!!!!!!!  (Or if you do, make it as painless as possible!!)

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Tantei Gakuen Q, don't be silly.  All production companies, directors, actors, references to T.V. shows, and movies are false.  This disclaimer goes for all future chapters, and I might add some more on.  So leave me alone, dammit!  I don't have enough money for you to sue me!

Chapter Two: Feeling

“…Why did Nanami-sensei give us these roles?” Kyuu mumbled, embarrassed by the relationship between the characters he and Ryuu would be playing.  “I mean, I know it’s just acting, but I didn’t know that this was what he meant by ‘chemistry’.”

“Hmm…”  Ryuu, once again, seemed indifferent to the situation.  However, inside he was panicked.  ‘What was Nanami-sensei thinking?!  Why didn’t Kazuma mention anything about a gay couple in the storyline?  And why do Kyuu and I have to play those parts?  Not that I really mind,’ he admitted to himself, ‘but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to focus on the investigation.  Maybe Kyuu and I should start rehearsing soon, memorizing lines won’t be enough to get him comfortable with the script…’  Refusing to acknowledge any ulterior motives that might be lingering in the back of his mind, Ryuu decided to speak up.  “You know, if we’re going to focus on the investigation, we should probably get used to the scenes beforehand,” he commented, attempting to remain calm.  “Some of them could prove… distracting.  And it would be quite embarrassing if one of us was to freeze up during a shoot.”

“Demo…  Some of these scenes seem a little mature for our characters’ ages, don’t you think?” questioned Kyuu, blushing as he skimmed through one of the later scenes.  “Isn’t this supposed to be a movie about a detective and a serial killer and stuff?  Not a romance?”  He clearly was having seventh or eighth thoughts about taking the role.

Ryuu just rolled his eyes and locked gazes with his friend.  “Didn’t you turn fifteen last month?  And welcome to show business,” he announced.  “Here, everything is overly dramatic and a movie without romance might as well be considered bird droppings.  Besides, the story is supposed to be about a teenager who has to take on the role of a detective in order to save the person he loves.  If he didn’t have a somewhat intense relationship with him, the movie would be pretty boring.”

“Aa, true…”  Kyuu trailed off, apparently lost in thought.  Ryuu returned to the script, nothing but pure professionalism and nerves of steel keeping his face from flushing as he read over the first kiss scene again.  But he wasn’t prepared for Kyuu’s next sentence.  “So, I guess we should start rehearsing, ne?”

After waiting for the heat to leave his face, Ryuu nodded shakily.  “L-let’s start with scene three,” he choked out, choosing a tame, not blush-worthy scene to practice.  Quickly slipping into character, he turned back to Kyuu.  “The end of the hallway can be over there, so we’ll start with me walking that way.”

Hastily nodding in agreement, Kyuu stood over to the side, “entering” when Ryuu began to step across the room.  “You’re the new student, right?” he said cheerily, smiling at Ryuu.

“H-hai,” Ryuu replied softly, perfectly portraying the bashful hero.  Kyuu forgot his next line, overwhelmed by the sheer difference in Ryuu’s demeanor.  The usually cool boy had gone from calm and professional to shy and uncertain in less than a second.  And dammit, he looked adorable!  “Um, Kyuu?”  He snapped out of it, turning bright crimson as Ryuu observed him curiously.

“G-gomen,” Kyuu offered hurriedly.  “It’s just…  You looked so cute…  Ah!  I mean…”  Ryuu sighed.  They had a long ways to go.

In the next day, Kyuu and Ryuu had managed to get through the first sixth of the script without too many mistakes.  They were feeling pretty good about it, when Kazuma came in.  “I’m sorry,” he told them sheepishly, examining his fingernails.  “I didn’t know they were going to change the relationship so much, in the game you were just supposed to be best friends.  And, well…”  He muttered something about suggestive dialogues.

“It’s okay, Kazuma,” Kyuu assured him, exchanging a resigned smile with Ryuu.  “We’ll get used to it before we have to even start rehearsing the second half of the movie.  The first half is pretty tame.”

“In comparison, yes,” Kazuma agreed, appearing quite relieved.  “But you still have to go through two kiss scenes, and the second…”  He cut himself off again, embarrassed.

“The second kiss is more intimate?” Ryuu finished, raising an eyebrow at the boy’s behavior.  Kazuma nodded rapidly, and Ryuu couldn’t help but feel slightly amused.  “It’s called acting, Kazuma.  The idea is to get paid for letting them film things one normally wouldn’t allow them to.”

Kazuma nodded more slowly this time, as if afraid that Ryuu would begin yelling at him at any second.  “Okay,” he said, hustling out of the room while slurring indecipherable excuses together on his way through the door.  Ryuu shook his head before facing Kyuu once more.

“He does have a point, you know,” he noted, careful about how he broached the subject they had been avoiding since reading the script.  “The last scene in this half might be a challenge to pull off convincingly without rendering us completely useless for investigation.  We should probably rehearse it and see how it goes.”

“Yeah…”  Kyuu looked flustered, but he still went over to the couch for the scene.  “We’re sitting on the couch, right…?”

“Aa,” affirmed Ryuu, joining him as they sat down stiffly, which was ironically appropriate for their next actions.  Ryuu closed his eyes briefly, forming his character’s situation in his mind, and then becoming him.  Then he began with his lines.  “Ano, Kaoru…?”

Kyuu looked over at him, seeming nervous but curious.  “Hai?”

“About the… the kiss…”  Ryuu let his eyes wander to his knees, imagining he was really discussing this with Kyuu.  That thought brought up the blush needed to add realism to the scene.

“Gomen nasai,” Kyuu said firmly, fully throwing himself into his character.  “Please forget that ever happened.”

“That’s not-”  Ryuu was cut off by the next line.

“Just forget it, Daisuke!” Kyuu replied sharply, making himself ignorant of the other character’s feelings.  Silence followed for a short moment before Ryuu took the next step.  With hands shaking from what he was about to do, Ryuu gently took hold of Kyuu’s collar and brought their lips together in a soft kiss.

Time seemed to stop.  Suddenly, the façade disappeared, and they were themselves again, the reality of the situation fully dawning on both of them.  With slight hesitation, Kyuu wrapped his arms around Ryuu’s waist, pulling him in just a little more.  Ryuu’s hands left Kyuu’s collar to rest along the back of his neck, and the kiss deepened.  Their bodies were pressed together, not a sheet of paper would be able to fit between them, and their lips slowly began to move against each other, both boys’ advances tentative and deliciously new.  Then Ryuu took it a little further, brushing his tongue across Kyuu’s lower lip, silently asking for entrance.  Kyuu complied, giving into emotion and reveling in the feeling of Ryuu’s body so close to his own.  Their tongues caressed each other, cautious and unsure, but loving.  Minutes passed, Ryuu still in a state of blissful disbelief while Kyuu could only feel the ecstasy spreading from every caring touch.  It was all too perfect to last.

Megu chose that instant to enter the room; she gasped as the boys lips quickly broke apart.  She most certainly hadn’t expected to walk in on them kissing, and the fact that Ryuu was practically straddling Kyuu didn’t help much.  “N-nani?!  What are you guys…”  Her stunned expression transformed into one of glee.  “Have you two finally gotten together?” she inquired hopefully.

“W-we were just practicing some of our scenes,” Kyuu hastily told her, squirming under her gaze and making Ryuu feel far more comfortable than he thought wise.

“Kyuu, could you hold still for a second?” he begged, trying to sound normal and failing.  With Kyuu moving under him, Ryuu was unable to get off of him, as if his legs were unwilling to leave the awkward position.  Once Kyuu had ceased fidgeting, he could remove his person from the boy’s lap.  Still, he made sure to sit close to him on the sofa.

“Ano, Megu, what did you mean by ‘finally’,” asked Kyuu, adorably clueless - in both Ryuu’s and Megu’s opinion.

Offering no response save an exasperated sigh, Megu made her way over to the couch and leaned over the back.  “So, Kyuu-kun, how was it making out with Ryuu?”

“M-megu?” Kyuu stammered, his face coloring.

Ryuu copied Megu’s sigh and turned his head to speak to the girl.  “Megu, gomen, but we need to rehearse half of the script within the week,” he explained.  “We still have to go over twice as much as we have so far, and do it all again.  So we really should keep practicing.”

“Fine,” Megu grumbled, inching toward the door.  “But don’t think this is over!”  The two boys couldn’t help but let out a breath of relief when she disappeared from the room.

“Ano…”  Kyuu fiddled with the wristband under his watch.  “Should we practice the other scenes now…?”

“I think we should take a break first,” replied Ryuu, swiftly removing his self from the couch and making his way to the door.  “See you in a half an hour.”  Kyuu could only stare as Ryuu left the room, his face, if he could have seen it, looking like a huge tomato.

Only had he made it out the door of LOOP when Megu - who was smiling quite smugly - grabbed Ryuu’s arm and pulled him hurriedly down the street.  “So?” she interrogated him, more persistent than ever and still not releasing him.  “What happened?  You cannot convince me that you were just rehearsing.”

Groaning inaudibly, Ryuu turned his head, watching the shops pass as they wandered with no real destination, just because, well, he had been forced along and Megu was overly curious.  “It was rehearsal, Megu.  Just acting.”  He repeated this over and over in his mind, trying to make himself believe it, but he knew it wasn’t true.  That kiss, the way Kyuu’s lips felt on his, and the fiery touch on his skin was all too real.  His heart was still beating at an impossible rate, and what he wanted more than anything else in the world was to feel Kyuu’s arms around him again, caressing him sweetly, with gentleness and care.

“Sure, Ryuu.  Keep telling yourself that.”  With those words, Megu skipped away, leaving Ryuu to steep in his thoughts.

Kyuu lay on his bed, surrounded by the white noise of cars passing outside and his mother making dinner.  His mind ran rampant, images floating in his mind like bubbles in a bathtub - basically, everywhere.  ‘I kissed Ryuu.’  This was the start of a whole chain of thoughts that could only serve to make him blush.  ‘Actually, Ryuu kissed me…  And only because of the script.  But still…  It felt nice…’

“Kyuu?”  He buried his face in his pillow, hiding his furious blush from his mother, who was coming up the stairs.  She opened the door to find her son huddled in a mass of tangled blankets.  “Dinner’s almost ready.  Would you set the table?”  After seeing a hasty nod, she headed back down to the kitchen, wondering why her only son would hide from her like he was.

The rest of the week went by quickly.  Kyuu and Ryuu managed to get through the rest of the script, and they had all their lines memorized, even if Kyuu sometimes forgot his in due to nervousness.  Even the first kiss scene had gone by without much eventfulness, though they tried to make the kiss as brief as possible.  Neither of them had suggested rehearsing the last scene again.

“Is everyone ready to meet on set tomorrow?” Hayami-sensei asked the class eagerly, grinning all the while.  “Remember; don’t get too caught up in the movie business!  You have to remain alert… so you can find the culprit behind the threat.”  He accented his speech with several dramatic poses, all of them resembling those featured in cheesy spy films.

Kinta was the first to speak up.  “Don’t worry, Hayami-sensei,” he assured the older man.  “We’ll be fine.”

“You’ll be fine,” moaned Kazuma.  “I’m still scarred by what they’ve turned my game into.  Detective flick?  Hah!  More like a porno…”  [A.N.: Don’t I wish!!! XD]

Rolling his eyes, Ryuu stared back at Kazuma.  “That’s going a bit far,” he commented, his eyes darting over to Kyuu now and then.  The boy looked adorable when he blushed.

“I think it’s great!” shrieked Megu, her shrill voice causing the male population in the room to wince.  “It’s so romantic, with the lead overcoming some many obstacles to save the one he loves from danger…  I can’t wait for filming to start!”  She clapped her hands and did a spazzy, extremely fangirl-y dance to express her enthusiasm.  Kyuu shrunk away from her in very rational fear.

“Well then, class is dismissed for the day.  You will go to the set first thing tomorrow, and I expect regular updates from you!  Good night!”  Hayami-sensei walked out, leaving the five friends alone.

“…Tomorrow, then?” Megu said smiling.

Nodding brightly, Kyuu smiled in return.  “Hai.  Tomorrow.”

kyuuxryuu, tantei gakuen q, fanfiction, realism in acting, ryuuxkyuu

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