Writer's Block: My favorite memory

Mar 18, 2008 17:19

 I have so many wonderful memories.  I remember running from fantastical creatures on the playground with my oldest friend, sleepovers with my two best friends from my first elementary school, meeting my best friend at the next one and our crazy sleepovers and traditions, gardening with my father, baking with my mother, staying at my grandparents' houses, and cracking open a coconut and boat racing in Hawaii.  My favorite memory, I think, is from Hawaii, actually.  I spent hours helping my friend's older sister's friend's little brother, who was a year younger than me, with his stamp collection.  He claimed to not like me very much.  Considering that, we spent an awful lot of time together.  I think I got along with him more than my brother did because we were closer in age -- that is, if you could consider the relationship we had "getting along".  We argued a lot, yet somehow we were able to stand each other for three straight weeks.  I even made him a mini-aquarium with fake fish in it for Christmas while we were there.  I haven't spoken to him for over a year, but according to his mom, he still has it.

writer's block, memories good or bad

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