Welcome to my room

Jan 27, 2008 11:27

zuttopi told me that she can't imagine what mass copying is like.. I'll help you a bit

for a start.. 600 CD. 500 DVD. the unopened ones now are 100 CD. 100 DVD.
I didn't buy these

The brand new addition to the family.. a DVD/CD duplicator. my savior! very reliable.
I didn't buy this.

CD duplicator. the poor thing died because of our messed up electricity .. even a voltage regulator couldn't save him.. it is supposed to copy 7 CDs at a time.. but on it's last days I only put 3 and pray they will come out ok.. when it came to this I decided to give him a rest.
beside it is where I collect my junk papers to send them to recycling later.

This is a tool to cut a sum of papers at a time. very handy .. but my back hurts when I use it for a long time. but I'm not going to cut 700 cover using a scissor!
Beside it are the stickers I put on the CDs. I used to keep the CDs blank .. no way I'm writing on all of them. XD

My new Color HP Laser Printer to print the covers. I spent all my saving on this 2 months ago.

Black HP Laser printer to print the stickers and order forms

Covers! thats my design yo! I should have used less colors because I'm going bankruptcy lol. but I'm not printing them for free. I told my brother that I can handle everything but the ink.. so each cover is .5 SR
there also is the transparent CD bags and those tiny shopping bags.. rubber bands for organizing purpose

Ink! I can't yet believe they cost this much! 1 color is 295SR .. now if the color printer needs 4 that means 295*4= 1180SR!!! the printer itself is cheaper yo! I bought it for only 1000SR.. for printing the 700 cover and 700 adv. for another group.. I needed to buy 6! meaning 1770 SR but I'm only getting 700SR out of it *slaps head* I didn't know how much ink I'll use before stating my prices since the printer is new. Thanks God I have a project going on that will give some cash if I worked hard enough to earn it.

Here is where I organize and store the finish product ready to be sent to where they sell it..
every day I count them before they go out .. and after they come back.. to re-stock and log how things are going.

Now, who wonders where I keep all this? where but my messy room haha.. the pictures were taken before I organize everything but that doesn't mean it's all tidy now lol

This is my office .. I took these months ago .. someday after I finished tidying lol.. you don't see this scene very often XD

No I don't use 3 mice XD they are just there because I'm lazy to put the broken ones away OMG!

Thats my PC .. and that purple CD bag is where I keep my JE DVDs

These are the things on my right .. our dead server. we are working with the backup server right now.. this ancient machine is actually the 2nd PC we have ever bought and it's processor is pentium 1 400MHz. anyone interested to buy? haha.
and that is a voltage regulator you see there.. If I don't have this then I'm sacrificing all my machines.

this is the dsl modem .. US Robotics sucks .. opening more than 100 connections is too much for it. and I'm using BT, emule, Clubbox, and my brother is using BT, too. XD

down there is the extension I use to connect all the machines to the power. 3 of these extensions burned at home when they were only using 3-4 machines.. mine is running about 8 minimum! including my phone, speakers, screen, 2 pc, 2 printers, modem.. and it's doing just fine.. *touches wood* long life my voltage regulator!

Now the events are finished but comes the order of stacks!
The first order was 10 copies of the VCD version and 20 DVD version.. mind you.. thats 230 CD/DVD to copy.
I'm not complaining.. It's a job I volunteered for but the person who requested them expected me to get them ready the next day XD.. you want to kill me?!


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