Jan 15, 2006 22:46
seriously, meh i'm up to 2,000 and i've still got another 5......thousand to go, fuckinhell, i hate this, i hate this sooooo much, i can't do it because i don't want to be doing it any more, but i commited, so i'll finish.....fuck uni, bring on art school! gggggggrrrrrrr angry pissed off, do i really care eyes are most definatly on today...
in other news four ish weeks til the official cometh of age...eth, on a scale of one to ten i'd say a seven in the 'citement dept. soooooooo soooooo soooooo happy the jen meister, jen meister flash jenny bean herself is meandering on down to my corner of the owrld, Sarah from my course is coming out as well as a load of the girlies from work, and possibly can persuade house mates to grace us with their presence as well.
The plan with howie is a slap up meal on the thurday before, really romantic and lovely and perfect and wine, but not too much, so on a diet till that point, no food ever, so that i can look wonderful and spectaculer(?) and perfect in a dress that i haven't decided on yet, oh shit i've just remembered that one of my favourite dresses ever was in the bag that was stolen from me in march....
i don't feel like typing any more