Randomness, post#umpteenmillion

Dec 18, 2005 11:41

While ironing yesterday my mother called down, 'D, what size are your new boots?'
Me: 'Nine medium, why?'
Mom: 'Laura (her friend) really likes them. (To Laura) They're really nice. I can sometimes wear...'
Mom and Laura: *THUMP*
Me: What was that?
Mom: Laura dropped your boots.
Laura: Hey!
Me: *Sigh/Pulsing forehead vein*

It's like living with extra siblings when those two are together. Then, of course, like an older sibling/seocnd mother, Laura takes me by the shoulders (I was standing on the stair one lower than her so we were almost face to face, as she's shorter than my mother) and tells me I have to go to college. Blah, blah, blah or I'll be unhappy, working dead-end jobs and have a fat ass. (She back pedalled that the fat ass part wasn't necessarily related to a college degree, but...) *Facepalms*

I blow giant, slobbery raspberries to all the ladies who came into my store last night. Especially the last two. Really, who goes shoe-shopping at 10:45 at NIGHT?! What really irked me was that I was 15 minutes away from closing and about 20 pages from the end of 'Silver on the Tree', the last book in the Dark is Rising series. I wanted to finish the damn book and go home, but the two ladies came in, so I had to talk to them and pull out shoes. Then I didn't get home until after Midnnight. That sucked.

Oh, and Nem called, mysteriously telling me to call her back if I got the message before 9:45. I got it at 10:00 on the dot. Well, crap. So I call her back, but she didn't answer. Why? Because five minutes after I leave her a message, someone calls me back and tells me that the phone has been found outside of the Bremerton Ferry Dock. She lost it...


I need a job with good dental, becuase I'm grinding my teeth. I'm selfish, I know, but still. That was rather disappointing, considering I've been trying to get someone to go with me to see it at the IMAX since it opened.

Hopefully someone has listened to the messages I left last night and knows where to pick up her phone.

In brighter news, I'll be seeing Narnia with my mom tomorrow. On the other hand, I still haven't started my Christmas shopping or mailing out anything. I suck.

Oh, and any HxH fans on my flist--I dl'd the HxH musical...OMG. It's hysterical! I've only watched 1 of the 2 and (beside the heavy implications of Hisoka/Gon) I adored the voice actors! The dancing sucked, the acting was moderate, but I have to say that Gon's VA had Gon's movements down PAT! She was adorable!

Cutting this here. Enough randomness for today. Gotta go to church for a Christmas gathering. Cheers! *Hugs*

movies, hxh musical, hate my job, rl

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