My memory fails.

Jul 01, 2009 01:46

I totally forgot to update recently! Life has been busy, busy, and oh so busy.

Had a great time in L.A. with stormcloude, two weekends ago. We went out to a New Orleans-style bar to see a band that she really likes. It was Americana (sp?) music and really cool. (Storm, if you could upload a couple of those songs, I'd really like that! ^_~) The next day we only had a few hours, so we went to see UP. It was very cute--the dog in it was so happily stupid that it reminded me of my dog.

Got back in time to practice and get things ready for Coffee House on Friday, then my Grad Party on Sunday. Coffee House went well, had a university friend (Heather) over to watch 21 afterwards. Good movie, though we started disecting the visual aspects (camera angles showing dominance, lighting showing the character's ability to be good and evil at the same, clothing showing innocence and deception, etc) about 2/3rds of the way through. Go figure, we both took film classes at UWT in connecting classes this last Spring.

The Grad Party went well, I think. We had about 35 people, total. We sent out invites for about 100, but more than 10 of those were out of state. I seem to have chosen the most popular weekend for people to move, or travel before the 4th of July rush, so a lot of people had prior plans. Oh well. The mutt was amazingly good. We figured she'd try to escape at every chance she got, but she figured out right away that more people meant more attention. She played it up like the ham she is...she must have roll her bowl around the yard fifty or sixty times.

Last night demeter918 and I went out to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and then saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It was great to have Dem there to whisper things to in the middle of the movie. (Looked up any fanfic for it yet, Demmie? Mwauhahaha!) I can see what some people were saying about the Ebonics/slang and, yes, it was annoying and all, but whatever. They were so stereotypical that their characters were annoying just for that period.

Now I'm working on Thank You cards for the stuff I got for graduation. Mom and Dad just get extra hugs for the iPod Touch but everyone else will get a nicely designed card.

June was one heck of a busy month.

travel, movies, party, graduation

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