I hate Oscar.

Mar 05, 2006 23:24

My first beef: Crash won best movie of the year. Are you kidding me? This was the most unoriginal film I have ever seen with the most trite script, acting, and storytelling. It beat Capote, Brokeback Mountain, Munich and Good Night and Good Luck. Unbelievable. I really think that they should demand a recount. The only reason this movie won was because there were 100 leading actors from Hollywood. They tipped the damn vote! Or, or, maybe the movies in the category that are actually good just split the vote.

Dolly Parton was also robbed. The song from Hustle and Flow won..."It's hard out here for a pimp." Yeah...ohkay. Apparently, ever since they gave the Oscar to Eminem, the Academy has fancied themselves as a hip crowd that will let rap songs win Oscars. Well, good for them, but this was not the best song. They couldn't even get the person who originally performed it for the movie, actor Terrence Howard, to perform it at the ceremony. That should tell you something about it...Also, when Queen Latifah audibly guffaws when she reads that it has won the Oscar for best song...that should be a hint that it shouldn't have won.

I was happy with the fact that Reese Witherspoon won. She really deserved it, and I thought her speech was wonderful, and she didn't break my rule about NO WRITTEN SPEECHES! Good girl. She looked beautiful too.

Jennifer Aniston, on the other hand, looked like she found the plainest black dress she could drudge up from her old Rachel box, threw on some rhinestone costume jewelry and blew out her stringy "I did my own highlights with a box of Feria and a comb!" hair and stomped onto the red carpet. She fit in like a one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest.

Who invited her????

In other news, Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep's bit was awesome. I also think it is a travesty that they only let the funny people come out to the Oscars to entertain the dramatists. No, they can't create a comedy/musical category in the Oscars...but they can't give Oscars to movies or actors that are funny!!! That would be like giving an Oscar to a song about pimps with the word "shit" in it about 45 times. That would be like giving an Oscar to Halle Berry (who also has played a Bond girl and Catwoman, mind you) for showing her tits and saying "Can you make me feeeel goooooooood!?" Wait...

Anyway, my rant is over. I have a lot of other things I did and did not like...but those are the bigguns.


I want to be a columnist for Rolling Stone real bad.


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