interesting day. eric's mom spent all lunch burning me electro-lounge cd's, including one i let
shugahkitty borrow a couple of summers ago...
much love to
chumpchange for the party.
interesting night. met up with the MLA dinner, ran into some interesting cats; it's all about getting the job. it's nice to be able to freakin' laugh too...not enough of that with lawyers, but with MLA, it's all jokes - salman, sara, fowzia, sameer, ebad, imtyaz, yousef, zeenath, paul...paul...paul prayed? wtf was that?
party at 371 Manning? killed it. nothing but the coolest. you have to love when strangers love and you can act a fool and no one cares. and put that shit on-line. pat, daryl, pearce, cappell, annie, andy, mandy...goodness, all the new-but-old people!
5: There are moments of brilliance I can't even dignify by properly remembering them here. I think "cheesecake" was up there, but as best as i can remember, "I broke my balls!" kills it.
4: "You're the worst friend EVER."
3: "Those two remind me of Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie...they're totally 'The Simple Life' over there."
2: "I love to pee. It feels so good."
1: "Roc-A-Fella Asian!"
ugh ugh ugh YEAH. i love the fact that i'm still cool enough to have girls call me at three am. YEAH. the only thing that could marginally improve this night would be some cheesecake and chicken nuggets.
to vastly improve the night (as impossible as it sounds), someone needs to follow the directions on my t-shirt