May 09, 2004 23:30
Fuck Friends, FUck Seinfeld, Fuck the Sopranos, Fuck even Survivor Borneo. Survivor AllStars was by far the best season ever, maybe not because of the season but the finale was absolutely orgasmic. One could not ask for anything more. I don't care what the public says about Survivor being a snoozefest, and how it wasnt as good as they expected. That finale should shut those critics right the fuck up. Lemme recap why it was sofaking good, and why it was and always will be the best 3 hrs of television ever created.
1)Boston Rob and Amber made the final two. After all the web posts bout Amber turning on Rob and causing me to go into a coronary arrest, they proved false. Now although I think that Boston ROb played the game the best and I think he's a fuckin kick ass dude, and I think Amber is hot as hell., I wanted this two in the final 2 because tribal council would be fuckin awesome with all the hurt feelings.
2)Tribal council. Granted LEx is a pussy and it took a gay man for America to figure that out (more on that in a second), Kathy was overemotional, Alicia is a militant bitch, I admire everyoen else at the jury. It was just a game and the other 4 jury members knew that granted they gave their opinions as those three sorelosers. Tom surprise the fuck out of me and I think Boston Rob. But I dont think he was inteligent enough to see that Rob got rid of him before he could get rid of Rob, I think the only one out there with half a brain was Rob, Amber and Shii Ann. Shii ANnn told KAthy ALicia and Lex to shut up its a game and you know roles reveresed you would have done the same thing just the oppurtunity was taken away so get over it (I love that little asian woman). Jenna was right on point saying to Rob and AMber in the voting booth u guys should have stood up for urselves, you got there they didnt there sorelosers. Rupert was the man as always he congratulated them both and said dont worry u played a great game.
4)The pre-surprise that everyone knew was coming, Rob propsed to Amber. OO my god, knew it was coming but still that was so awesome. Those two look great together.
5)Richard Hatch calling out LEx Kathy and Jerri for being hypocrites as they were the ones bringing friendships into a game. That gay man is a genius and those 3 overemotional fucks were shot down by Richard, Ethan, Colby, Shii Ann and the audience. Now whos right u gay tatooed mother fucker. LEx is just freakin jealous that he didnt get money wat a loser.
6)The audience booing Jerri off stage was classic, she deserved it complaing who theyre not characters there real people with emotions, yeah true but ur playing a game dont take it personal bitch.
7)The announcing that there will be another reunion on thrusday considering all those commercials.
Loved it Lex u suck and ur a gay loser. Boston ROb u da man, u got a car 250,000 and a hot freakin bride to be u dont need no emotional cunt or tatooed freak ass bitch. Amber u desevred the million and u should go to Lexs house and flaunt it right in that dumb shits face, and make babies lots of em. Rupert, im not ur biggest fan but u got screwed once again by a stupid bitch, this time named Jenna.
Mark Burnett ur a fuckin genius and i want to have ur babies.