Sep 08, 2006 14:39
i finished 'like the red panda' today.
i forget how much i like picking up random books to read. the feeling of finishing a book. the accomplishment and disappointment of those last words. not that the book was bad. i just somehow expect every book to be neverending.
sometimes i dont think i think enough. but then that thought, in itself, should be proof that i think too much. if i'm not thinking, then you'd think i'd at least be talking.
there's a part where the girl is thinking, while loosing her virginity ... that they're just two bodies, pressing themselves together physically, pretending it's emotional.
and that you have to close your eyes to be in love with someone, because if you're aware of everything, there's no way you could possibly stay in love.
i never thought like that when i was 17. i'm not even sure i think like that now. it's a really lonely concept though..
it almost makes me want to stop having sex for a while, so i have to find other ways to be intimate. i think it'd be good for me, but i dont think it'll ever happen.