::FINAL UPDATE:: Packages should have or be landing by now. Comments will still be replied to happily, but this circle is officially CLOSED!
::UPDATE 07.06.09:: Alright! Everything is packed and gone to the post! (except neon6apocalypse's package sadly.) DC#s should be in paypal emails, if not, drop me a line and I'll happily look the number up. Now
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Rpriske - Stardust collection, Garden Set, SL imps: Bensiabel, Cordelia, embalming Fluid, eve, London, Veil, 10 Rollies, TKO bottle w/reducer cap, Smoke Moon bottle -PAID-
Dreadpiraterust - The East, F.Market, F.Wine, Lady Una, Tristran, Victoria, Witch Queen, Yvaine, Imps: Croquet, Mouse's Tale, Mock Turtle -PAID-
Acciochocolate - The East, Tristran, Victoria, Witch Queen, Yvaine, Stormhold, Calliope, CD, Midnight, MME. Mortiarty, Gennivre, Theo, Antonino, Xanthe, Organ Grinder, Doc, Flamingo -PAID- Insure
blodia - The East, Fairy Market, Fairy Wine, Victoria, The Witch Queen, Yvaine, Midnight on the Midway, Gennivre, Theodosius, smoke moon, Summer Garden set, Solisn -PAID-
lacyjae - Lady Una, Tristan, Mme Moriarty, Doc Constantine x2+empty, Xanthe, S.Moonx2, Garden Set, Summer Celebrations set+inundation empty -PAID- (May combo) (Owed 1 $3.50 slot)
amarissirama - Fairy Market, Lady Una, Tristan, The Witch Queen, Carnaval Diabolique, Mme Moriarty, Theodosius, Snake Oil bottle (May combo) -PAID-
wolfgrrl - 1/2 Fairy Market -PAID-
aymaera - Fairy Wine, Lady Una, Victoria, Midnight on the Midway, Mme Moriarty, Xanthe, Theodosius, Antonino, Summer Garden set +pinwheel empty, Feast, Solis+empty, Nonae SL Imps: Bensiabel, Great Sword of War, Juke Joint, Plunder -PAID- (May combo)
commiehetsoflav - The East, Xanthe, Gennivre, flamingo, pinwheel Lab Imp: Bewitched, SL imps: Mr. Nancy, Obatala, Vixen -PAID-
_bananana - Carnaval Diabolique, The Organ Grinder, Doc Constantine Solis, Nonae -PAID- (May combo)
angelicruin - East, Tristan, Victoria, yvaine -PAID-
ataralasse9 - 1/2 Fairy Market, Pinwheel, Feast SL imps: Dragon's Milk, Arkham, Event Horizon, Nocturne, and Blood Amber, -PAID-
alymid - Smoke Moon, Inundation, Tristian, Witch Queen, Stormhold, Doc, Organ Grinder -PAID-
oh_the_horror - S.Moon, Feast, Solis, Nonae, Summer Garden, F.Wine, Yvaine, CDiab, Phantom SL Imp: Miss. L -PAID- (May Combo)
chocolatechakra - 1/2 Yvaine -PAID-
tereph - Inundation, Lady Una, Gennivre, SL: Aureus, Hermia, Pontarlier, Queen Alice, Queen Mab, and Sundew -PAID-
babyduo - fairy market, fairy wine, lady una, the east, victoria x2, yvaine x2, tristran, the stormhold, theodosius x2 and 1/2 bottle, mme moriarty, xanthe x2 Summer Garden set Lab Imps: Arkham, Azaroth, Herbert West, Darkness, House of Night, The Phantom Wooer, O, Midnight, Desire, Maenad, Dragon's milk, Croquet, Dormouse, The, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, White Rabbit SL Imps: Cheshire Cat, Mr. Nancy, Spider -PAID- +$2.00
cookie_faerie - F.Market, Lady Una, Tristan, Victoria, Yvaine, Bottle of Marie, Phantom, Grinder, Doc, Xanthe, Antonino -PAID-
aislingeach - East, Lady Una +empty, Stormhold +empty, Phantom, SL Imp: Lady on the grey -PAID-
winter_melody - 1/2 Xanthe, 1/2 Theo SL: Lady, Ibis, Tiki, pen -PAID-
september_storm - S.Moon, Solic, CD -PAID-
dreamseternal - Flamingo, Pinwheel, East, Tristan, Stormhold, Lady Una, Xanthe, Gennivre, Antonio SL Imp: Macabray -PAID- (Witch & F.Wine?)
christi239 - 1/2 Midway, 1/2 Pinwheel -PAID-
mcfly85 - Feast, Feast+empty, Inundation, 1/2 Anuket -PAID-
autumns_lioness - Tristan, Lab Imp: Penitence -PAID-
dormouseuk - Lady Una, Victoria -PAID-
neon6apocalypse - Bottle of Flamingo -PAID-
crime_of_truth - Nonae +empty, CD +empty, Gennivre +empty, Lab Imp: Snake Oil -PAID-
psychoswim - 1/2 Flamingo -PAID-
bonnyread - Inundation, Anuket, SL Imps: Ile De La Tortue x2 -PAID-
impgrrl - Inundation, Anuket, Grinder -PAID- (Doc?)
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