First Snow

Nov 29, 2008 09:49

Even though the title suggests a reading of Bill Willingham's excellent Vertigo series FABLES, it's what's happening outside the windows right now. The cats are snuggled in tight, the younger on the heated bed we bought for the older one. Flannel robe (jammies, too!) and slippers, hot coffee and the internet are rituals now that the NaNovel is finished. I picked up good habits of NEEDing to write every day and the mornings are better times for me to write, I've discovered again, at least when I've got the time.

Some random bits:

Alice Cooper, Vincent Price and Marty Feldman on The Muppet Show. I'm just saying.

Currently reading: volume two of Michael Moorcock's The Nomad of Time: The Land Leviathan. Got more books to read over the holidays including David Sedaris' Hoidays on Ice.

Read Paul Pope's 100% and really enjoyed it. Very European in its sensibilities from story and art perspectives. Reminded me of a strip from the old Heavy Metal days by Guido Crepax, I think, the Man From Harlem. Same style anyway. Lovely bit of comics, 100%.

Who is translating Enki Bilal into English now that Humanoids isn't? I missed Rendez-vous à Paris (2006) and Quatre? (Four?, 2007) after getting the first two parts of the Hatzfeld story, which were stunning and original in ways that lots of American comics don't even begin to approach.

I'm writing a lot for the next edition of Pulp Legacy. Doesn't matter to a lot of you, but that's okay. It does to me. I'm about a year and a half behind on mailing comments for the APA, and I'll never catch up. Probably best to just start over.

Bought the first two installments of Marvel's RUNAWAYS. Will let you know what I think when I'm done.

Maybe more tomorrow, we'll see. Gotta wonder if the LoudTwitter is still working because it hasn't posted for the last couple of days.

comics, writing, reading, narrative record

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