It's time for an update!

Aug 05, 2006 13:58

Angie stood at the front door and suddenly felt like she was going to school for the first time.

"Here's a lunch for you."
"You packed me a lunch?" Angie looked at her mother and laughed, the two of them laughed.
"Will you just take it and throw it out once you get there. For old times sake." Rolling her eyes Angie took the lunch and picked up the large duffle bag.

"So how long will you be there?"
"Four weeks intensive training followed by exibition games in mid september."
"And you'll be staying there?"
Angie nodded.
"It's like summer camp."
"You hate summer camp." Caroline pointed out and the two laughed lightly.

"I'll miss you Angel,"
"Just, come to the games?" Nodding there was a nearly tearfull goodbye. Nearly. She would see her mother because Angelina had intentionally left herpractice quaffle in her bedroom.

"Training c-"
"Back left corner of the field." She was cut off by the man telling everyone where to go as she walked into the stadium. She hadn't even known London had a place like this for Quidditch, she'd always assumed it'd been in the country but here it was.

"Alright, welcome to your four week intensive training session." The man up front looked familiar but she coudln't quite place him. His face... and there was a gash across his left cheek.
Chris Gibbons! Her eyes widened in shock, the famous Quidditch legend being her 'coach'.
"Shouldn't be too rough." One man said with a smirk. Angie glanced at him from the side. She'd never seen him before.
"Ahh, Caleb Ackerton. I've heard you have a real mouth on you."
"Yeah, well I'm sure news of my skill travelled fast."

Angie nearly wanted to laugh outwardly, but just smirked and let a soft chuckle leave her lips.
"Angelina Johnson right?" Snapping her eyes up she looked like she'd just been caught in a lie.
"Yes Sir?"
"You were Captain of Hogwarts Gryffindor team for how many years?"
"Just one."
"Just one? I heard you were pretty good."
"I wouldn't go that far." She said shaking her head.
"ACkerton here is a Chaser. How long have you been playing Ackerton?"
"Two years."
"Three years."
"Ahh, three years?" Caleb Ackerton looked a littel displeased.
"It's not how long you play, it's how well."
Angie wanted to deck him now. Her smile leaving. Gibbons' laughed heatily and put a handon Ackerton's shoulder and forcing him to face Angelina.

"Well that sounds like a challenge."
"A challenge?" Angie asked frowning.
"A challenge. Do you accept?"
"I uh..."
"She's just a girl, discouraging her on the first da-"
"Accepted." Before Ackerton could finish his sentence she was standing before him broom in hand tightening her wrist guards, her face all business-no play.
"Good! A little fun for the rest of you. Take to the air. No Keepers, One quaffle. First one to score three points wins."
"Wins what?"
"Well in tradition we normally have an annitiation of making the losing team of the first match fly around the arena in nothing. Seven laps. I think that would be fitting."
"Fine." Angie said before Ackerton had a chance to object. Seeing her determination he looked just as pleased with the challenge and took to the air.

The quaffle was tossed up while Gibbons read off the rules.
"Hands off. You can bump, but if I see hands on anything but quaffle or broom it's over. Three points."

Ackerton was fast, too damn fast and he grabbed the quaffle from right underneath Angie. Cursing toherself she was right on him though. With a mouth like he's she expected less.
Big mistake.

He twisted his body, swerving back and forth and within a minute the first point was scored.

A:1 J:0

Tossing it back and forth three times, as per Gibbons play by play instructions Angie ended with the quaffle. He was fast and had good balance on the broom, but was he patient.
She just sat there. Waiting.
Waiting, quaffle in hand.
"Well fucking move!"
"Why don't you come and get it?" She shot back at him Angie tossing the quaffle from one hand to the other, taunting him.

Finally, frustrated he launched forward. Angie could see the tail end of his broom shift left, he would pull right after a sharp turn. Darting forward she zipped right past him and the quaffle soared through his goal post.

A:1 J:1

"Alright, alright. I see what you're doing, but it won't work." Ackerton grinned and took up the Quaffle, a few paces and it was back in his hands.
DArt to the left, Angie watched his shoulders and the tail of his broom, not his eyes. Ramming her shoulder into his hard she heard a faint 'huff' as he exhaled, the quaffle slipping from his hands and falling to th eground.

Turning vertical on the broom she rocketed down and scooped it up, lopping it into the goal post with ease.

A:1 J:2

"Dammit, you're one butch chic." Angie knew now what he was trying to do. Piss her off and she'd slip up. So she played along.
"Butch!?" tossing the quaffle hard at him he took a straight forward approach and headed to go right through her.
Angie stood her ground.
"Wrong thing to say." At the last second she moved to the left, his body just brushing hers but her broom was slightly lower then his own, and while he was pointed one way, she was the other. It worked out quite nicely, his bromm and her's crossing like an X.
Then, with a quick shift she lowered her broom front down as he crossed over her tail. The bushy end slammed into Ackerton's broom and he was throne off balance. The quaffle fell from his hands and he was thrown back a few feet.

It took a moment for both to regain control and they both went for the quaffle. It was the last second, both rocketing downwards that Angie scooped forward and hugged it into her arms and went right for the goal post, soaring through with the quaffle.

"That was cheap!" He cried as the two landed.
"What are you talking about!?"
"She touched my broom!"
"I didn't!"
"With your damn broom you knocked mine, he said don't touch and you did."
"Actually," Gibbons stepped forward taking the quaffle. "Her broom touched your brooom. I said hands m'boy. Hands." Grinning he handed the quaffle to Angelina.
"Congradulations. You just won yourself Captain of Team Red." Moving to the rest of the group Angie was still in alittle shock that she'd pulled half of that off.
It was fun as hell.

Gibbons went on to describe the teams, everyone split up evening into three teams. All were pretty young and a few had been to the training sessions before. If they didn't get picked or if they choose to they could return for another month of training. It happened often enough.
The other team Captain was a tall man, attractive and friendly. A funny guy she'd never heard of. Immediately Angie found herself right at home, joking wit her teamates as they headed to dinner after routine exercises.

"Hogwarts huh?" One of her teamates, her Keeper was a young American boy. Fresh recruit as old as her. "I've heard you're all unbeatable."
"I think today was a good example." An older woman, maybe 20 said. She was the veteran beater of the team, a real hard ass but she was fun as hell. "We Hogwarts girls are a tough bunch to beat."
"Hogwarts huh? What house?"
"That explains a lot." Angie threw out there and the whole lot of them laughed.

They chatted for a while, talked about their pasts, family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. The Blue team joined them after a while and they all had drinks tossing back quidditch stories for fun.
Angie was having a great day and she couldn't imagine it could get any better.

When they all departed for the evening, the girls heading back to their dorms quicte a few of them had had too much to drink. Angie though had played the sober card tonight. She was having a great time so why ruin it with follishness.

"Who you writing to?" Libby Pearl, a chaser for Blue team Angie's age from a small private school in Australia asked. She shared the bunk above Angie and was leaning over with her hair dangling over her face. She was trashed, a light weight and was adorable to begin with.
Angie liked her.
"A few people. Just keeping in touch."
"Ooooh, you're boyfriend?"

Angie stopped for a moment and smiled. She'd never talked to Miles. After a while, no talking to him, not discussing what happened the two probably just assumed it was over.
How could they still have a relationship?
"No. Just some friends."
"Well, that's still boring." Libby dissappeared


You'll never guess where I am right now. You'll be jealous. Completely jealous. And you should be, because where I am is amazing.

We should get together on the weekend sometimes. For coffee, drinks, something. I miss you two, you're my best friends!

Let me know and don't you DARE forget about me.



I didn't really know what to write so I'll be brief.
I patched things up with my Mum. I though you might be concerned. I'm not at home though, a the training camp for the next month.

We didn't really 'talk' but I think that leaving it this long shows enough.
Good luck I guess.


ooc: Okay, not meant to be this huge.
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