So I was asked what prompted my BDSM rant. And I was vague in my answer because honestly, I'm not out to flame anyone. Or shame them. But I think I will give the specifics now because I posted my comment (after having two people look it over and help me NOT sound like a bitch) and I got a rather disappointing PM back.
The Fic in question was Strawberry Bad Boy. And it starts
HERE. Yes, my user name over there is Aiyokusama so you can see which comment is mine. It was Chapter 6 that got me ranting on LJ. Anyhow I'd love to post the PM here so that people could see why I'm so disappointed, but I'm not sure of the legalities around that. In a nutshell she apparently missed my point completely and got defensive. Oh and of course has no intention of going back and re-writing something she posted over five years ago, never mind that I didn't suggest she do any such thing. She also went on a tangent about rape, something I didn't mention in my comment, leading me to think she didn't actually read what I said and instead decided to get defensive.
Oh well, I tried. Hopefully, someone reading through the comments will understand what I'm pointing out and use it in their own works.