Kory Fans....help!

Nov 04, 2009 06:58

So ABC part one is off with the beta reader and I'm working on part two.  Well, I've hit a snag.  Or not quite a snag, yet.  The thing is that Kory shows up in things.  Not for long, but I'm really not sure that I can write her "voice" properly.  And as I had badly characterized kids, I would hate to make myself a hypocrite.  Thus I'm asking for help.

This is open to anyone that has a grasp of the character and her mannerisms even if you aren't a writer.  If you are a writer that works too.  What I need is for someone to look over the scene and tell me a) how it comes off and b) how to make it in keeping with her character.

Any takers?  *makes wibbly eyes*

update, writing

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