BF update

Sep 03, 2008 22:11

I know, it's been one day and I can expect miracles over night.  But gods DAMN it!!!!!

BF had the day off today, so I figured that I could come home and we'd be able to spend to time together before I needed to go to bed.  But, no, he's still asleep at 10am.   And at 11am....  I try to get in bed by noon (since that's the equivalent of midnight for me).  FINALLY at 11:50 he gets up.  What the FUCK?!?!

Among the many things I covered yesterday, his preferring sleep over spending time with me was on the top if the list.  So I asked him point blank if he had heard a damn thing I said yesterday.  "Oh well, I didn't think I'd sleep that long...."

Well for a start he DOES have an alarm clock, he just chose not to use it.  and secondly, he's been doing this fore the last MONTH.  if he doesn't have to get up for work he will sleep until 11:30 or noon.  And when he DOES need to get up for work he does so with JUST enough time to get a shower and MAYBE a bowl of serial before he's out the door.

THEN he mumbles about needing to see a sleep specialist.  I've been trying to get him to for that for two MONTHS!

Fine, whatever.  Like I said, I'm not expecting a miracle.

So I go to bed, have a nice sleep, get up.....and he wants to know if I have $4.  It's just $4, no big deal, but I don't have any change on me.  I told him that.  Then I asked why he needed it (that's about the amount to do one load of laundry which is his job around the apartment).  "I need it to get my prescription, it's mostly covered, but that's what's left."

He just got paid last Friday!  And now he's telling me he's broke, AGAIN.  He was broke for the last pay period too because he apparently miscalculated and though he's be getting another paycheck when work already gave him his holiday pay.  Yeah, I wasn't impressed about that little "slip" on his part but now I'm PISSED.

See, the fact that I am NOT going to support/take care of him was another point I made yesterday.  I expect him to be a PARTNER.  That means he pulls his own weight.  If he eats the groceries I buy (I'm on Atkins, so my food choices are limited and there is stuff in the house that I can't touch but which he is more then welcome to eat) then he has to REPLACE it in a timely fashion.  Hell, I couldn't even get him to by light bulbs for the bathroom, never mind dish soap or paper towels.  You know, little things.

And $4 is a little thing too, but it's all part of the dame pattern.  So I put my foot down and laid it out in no uncertain terms that I was NOT giving him any money for any reason.  That I'm beyond disappointed and that he's MORE then old enough that he damn well better be able to manage his money.

GAH!!!  I'm so sick of this!

bitching, bf, daily life

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