Yes kids, I'm a BITCH

Sep 02, 2008 10:48

I've been saying I'd do it for weeks.  And for weeks I've avoided doing it:  Talking to my BF.  I'm UNHAPPY with our relationship on SOOOO many levels.  it's not one thing I can point to and say "there, that's the problem."  Rather it's a bunch of little things that when taken together form a very depressing pattern.

BF is NOT HAPPY what his life.  I've taken to walking from the bed/shower to my computer when I wake up, regardless of his being home or not, because I  don't dare ask how his day was, that would only result in a laundry list of why it sucked, how stupid the world is and how NOTHING EVER CHANGES.  It's downright depressing.  But when I've brought up the subject in the past, I only get a shrug and a guttural sound in response.

Is it unreasonable to be frustrated?   Well, unreasonable or not, I pulled up my big girl panties and poked him awake when I came home from work.  He knew last night that I would be doing so.  I had to or he would have sleep until 45 minutes before he has to head off to work and once again we wouldn't TALK.  Yeah, I use my computer for avoidance, he uses sleep the same way.

So we FINALLY got out the house and I spend the entire walk to the local Starbucks explaining how I felt and why.  That I can't fix him, that he has to want to change and that if he's not willing to change, then I'm not willing to continue.  See right now he's stuck in a depressive self-worth rut.  A rut I pulled myself out of about four years ago.  I KNOW where his head and heart are at, I KNOW it sucks, but I also know that one CAN do better.  it's just that right now he's not willing to make an effort.  On some level he's HAPPY with eh status quo.

I told him straight out that he has a month to make a real effort or we're done.  And yes, I'm prepared to kick him out of the apartment if it comes to that.  But I don't want it to.  I want him to TRY, I want him to make the effort in his life.  Not just for me, but for himself.  I want the funny redhead that I played pool with and asked to coffee;  the guy that smiles, laughed and enjoyed himself.  I know he's in there somewhere, but I can't pull him out.  BF has to make that choice for himself.

Yeah, I a cold hearted bitch.  I gave him an ultimatum, which I hate.  The thing is *I* need that boundary, because without it I KNOW that I'll spends YEARS being desperately miserable as I try to fix him.  I've been done that road before and I'm not going back.

Right now, I feel like shit, but that's nothing compared the wait I have to deal with now.  I guess I'll find out the ultimate result of this come October 2nd.

bitching, bf, daily life

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