Three Things MEME

Jul 20, 2008 03:27

Snitched from

* Post 3 things you've done that you believe nobody else on your F-list has done.
* If anybody responds with "I've done that," add another thing.
* Encourage your friends to paste this into their own journal to list the unique things they've done.

1) I've worked on a hay baling crew.  Back breaking, but I had some impressive biceps at the end of the summer :)
1) I've taken a stunt person fight course.  At the seminare they taught us how to fake giving and taking hits so that it looks real on screen.
1) I've been trampled by a horse and have the four inch scar on the back of my skull to prove it.
2) I've roofed a house (I was a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity)
2) I trained a brood mare to saddle :)  I was 15 and foudn out AFTER the fact that I was asked to do it because no one else was crazy enough.  I thought the mare was a sweety and we got along great.
3) I've sewn by own cloak.  Two of them actually.  The black velveteen was the practice run before I was brave enough to try cutting the midnight blue velvet ~_^
3) My horse had a wardrobe malfunction when I was riding him one day.  The stirrup leather slipped of the bar while we were trotting and I end up on my front of a troup of girl guides ^_^;;

Okay, I'm really not that interesting ^_^;;


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