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Jun 30, 2008 00:15

I know, I'm bored. I've seen this meme EVERYWHERE and decided to give is a shot :)

You know the deal here. Pick ten characters, either of your original creation or ten characters from one of your favourite fandoms, and list them out 1-10. Then answer the following questions. DON'T LOOK AT THE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU PICK YOUR CHARACTERS - you'll ruin the whole game.

1. Bruce Wayne
2. Dick Grayson
3. Jason Todd
4. Tim Drake
5. Cassandra Cain
6. Barbara Gordan
7. Roy Harper
8. Clark Kent
9. Kon-El
10. Stephanie Brown

1. Four invites Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?

Tim invites Clark for dinner at his house? Uh...they will eat cookies and be well behaved because Alfred will be hovering near by, protecting Timmy's virtue :P

2. Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club.

Kon tries to get Cass to a strip club by telling her that he needs someone to go under cover. This is met with a raised eyebrow and a painful nerve strike.

3. You need to stay at a friend’s house for a night. Who do you pick, one or six?

Babs. Bruce scares me ^_^;;

4. Two and Seven are making out. Ten walks in. What is their reaction?

Dick and roy making out, now there is a shock. Steph smirks then goes and gets popcorn.

5. Three falls in love with six. Eight is jealous. What happens?

Jay falls for Babs, well that's reasonable, evil little horndog that he is. of course, Babs breaks out the tranq guns and has a good time making him target practise.

6. Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Two, Seven or Ten?

getting jump by a Timmy, oh the horror! ehem ^_^;; sorry. Dick would come to my rescue...but only if "rescue" is defined very loosely.

7. One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes in, what’s happened?

15 minutes in? Are you nuts?! Bruce would have the studio burned down in five!

8. Three has to marry Eight, Four or Nine. Who do they chose?

Jay would probably choose Timmy, not only because robincest is best, but because it would piss his little brother off :P

9. Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two’s release. What is it?

Roy demands that Cass babysits Lian and he'll release Dick....AFTER they have a night out.

10. Everyone gangs up on Three. Does Three have a snowball’s chance in hell?

No, but Jay sis goign to HUUUUUURT them before he goes down ~_^

11. Everyone is invited to Two and Ten’s wedding except for Eight. How do they react?

Clark pouts and and is huffy, though mostly because that two less robins he can molest.

12. Why is Six afraid of Seven?

Babs fears Roy because...uh. If she isnt' nice to Dick he's promised to sic Lian on her! What? YOU don't fear Lian?

13. One arrives late for Two and Ten’s wedding. What happens, and why were they late?

Bruce is late because the Wayne Tech board meeting got taken hostage by terrorists....AGAIN.

14. Five and Nine get roaring drunk and wind up at your place. What happens?

Cass and Kon, drunk *snickers* come over to my place. I break out the junk food as Kon tries to teach Cass how to play Grand Theft Auto.

15. Nine murders Two’s best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?

Kon murders Dick's best friend (Roy). Dick goes into shock, breaks into the batcave and gets the kryponite. He then hunts down the super teen and extracts a PAINFUL revenge. He then presents himself to Clark and apologizes for killing the clone. Then he finds Timmy and breaks down, after which he's put on suicide watch.

16. Six and One are in mortal danger, and only one of them can survive. Does Six save themselves or One?

Babs has to decide between herself and Bruce, to which she says "screw this" and smacks Bruce's self sacrifsing as, pointing out that HE has the skills and toys to get them out of their so clearly they both have to live, since she has no intention of dying.

17. Eight and Three go camping. For some reason, they forget to bring any food. What happens?

Clark and Jay go camping...now that's would be amusing. When they realize they have no food, Jay pulls a gun and goes hunting, bringing back some rabbits, much to Clark's horror. Silly vegetarian.

18. Five is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does Nine do?

Cass is iin a car crash and Kon is on hand. His mind gibbers incoherently at him as he gets her to the hospital and calls the batfamily. He franticly explains that no, he wasn't the one that had been driving. Really!
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