Charaters as Animals

Jun 29, 2008 02:01

So recently I've been reading some magical transformation fanfics. Timmy as a little black cat and the like. It got me thinking, if the various characters were animals, what kind would they be?

Here is what I've come up with so far.

Bruce: Wolf, beautiful, powerful, of the uber Alpha variety

Clark: Black Lab. Tail wagging and just plain HAPPY, he's good natured and eager to please.

Cass: Falcon. Small and agile, she is devastating and beautiful in her attacks.

Steph: Golden Retriever. Soft, pretty, not to bright but honest and loyal to a fault.

Jason: Lion, large, magnificent and KNOWING it, he is raw elemental power.

Dick: This one is hard and I might change my mind in the future, but I'm thinking Panther or maybe Leopard. There is power, no doubt but it comes int a lithe and agile package. He can lounge one moment and then leap to give chase the next.

Timmy: Pygmy Marmoset. Yes, kids I see him as a smart, inquisitive little monkey that can disappear so well that you'll never see him.

*waits to be pelted by rotten produce*


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