[TRANSLATION] Recomen 061214 guest:yuya&massu- part1

Dec 16, 2006 19:03

Thank you to yamaperfection for providing the radio clip!!

This is only like.. the first 5:30. Basically, Yuya's late to the recording b/c he was in the bathroom. Yoko's trying to make Yuya & Massu- to say that NEWS is coming back (lOL yes, i wish too xD) [<- that's at the end] and reveal how much they raise.

[ ] = explanations & comments
LOL-ing is where you could hear them laughing.

Yoko: Good evening [konban wan tsu- (konban one two)] this is Yokoyama Yu.
Hina: [konban wan tsu- (konban one two)] I'm Murakami Shingo.
Yoko: Today, as we said before, we have some special guests.
Hina: Yes, we do.
Yoko: That person. Okay, please introduce yourself.
Hina: Okay. Introduction start.
Massu-: [konban wan tsu- (konban one two)] I'm Masuda Takahisa-.
Hina: Okay... something's wrong huh?
Yoko: The other person...
Massu-: (lol) It's weird, isn't it.
Y&S: What happened?
Hina: Hey, it's started already...??
Yoko: He was there at the meeting earlier but...?
Hina: Yeah, he was there!
Massu-: He absolutely came with me but...
Yoko: Yeah. I remember that I made him laugh at the meeting earlier but..
Hina: Hmm what happened? Did he feign illness?
Massu-: Where did he go?

Hina: Oh, did he get nervous?
Massu-: Maybe he got nervous and..ran away?
Yoko: Oh, that can't be helped.
Hina: Oh well then, today we gotta do it with us three.
Yoko: This time you're here for advertising Miso Soup right?
Massu-: Yes.
Yoko: Truthfully, what soup do you like?
Massu-: Miso Soup.
Yoko: Miso Soup?
Hina: Well yeah, you'd have to say that right?

Yoko: Well, how was the TegoMass duo born? Were you suddently called by Jyani-san?
Massu-: This time, well like, it was normal for me and Tegoshi to sing as duos even before NEWS.
Hina: Like as a project right.
Yoko: Oh really?
Massu-: Yes, even at concerts, we always sang duos together.
Hina: I see I see.
Yoko: And so you guys were hoping that you'd eventually get out a CD?
Massu-: Well.. We had said that it's be nice if that happened but..

[I'm guessing Yuya comes in at this point, and Hina sees him]
Hina: LOL
Tegoshi: I'm so sorry!! (lol-ing)
Yoko: What happened? What happened? What were you doing?
Hina: You're hecka laughing!
Tegoshi: I'm really sorry!! [OMG yuya's voice is so high xDD]
Hina: Well then, let's re-do this and..
Tegoshi: I'm sorry, this is Tegoshi.
Yoko: Tegoshi-kun.
Tegoshi: Sumimasen!!
Yoko: What were you doing?
Hina: You're 1:30 min late!!
Tegoshi: Sorry, I'm really sorry.
Yoko: This wouldn't be accepted in WARATTE IITOMO [TV show broadcasted live @ noon]
Massu-: Yeah, [your appearance time] would be over. [it's on live, so everything goes by really fast]
Tegoshi: I'm REALLY sorry.
Tegoshi: Well, I was in the bathroom, and people were like, it already started.
Yoko: What? You were going Miso Soup? [lol, i think he's like meaning, oh, you went poo (cause it's brown.. or more like diarreha? cause.. miso soup's watery lol]
Yoko: You were going "sha---" with miso soup eh?
TEgoshi: Yes, yes, yes. [LOL, just go along with the story, eh? xD]
Yoko: Well I guess it can't be helped then?
Tegoshi: I'm really really sorry!!

Yoko: And.. so about how the unit came to be?
Hina: Yeah yeah, we were just talking about how this unit was formed.
Yoko: So you were doing this at a concert and..?
Massu-: Oh, well so like us singing together was like.. already natural to NEWS fans and it was normal for NEWS too.
Hina: Like how it's natural for Tegoshi to go Miso Soup.
Massu-: Yeah, that happens always too.
Yoko: And so this was told to you suddently? Were you asked by Jyani-san to get out a CD?
Massu-: Umm
Tegoshi: It was the record company.
Massu-: Yeah, we were told by the record company
Yoko: All of a sudden?
Tegoshi: Yes.
Yoko: Like would you like to get out a CD with Tegomass?
T&M: Yes.
Yoko: And what did you say? Like "oh that sounds good" or like "let's do that" or..?
Tegoshi: Oh we were like... "O..Okay..[astonished-ly]"

Massu-: And we were todl suddently, "Oh you guys are going to Sweden.:
Yoko: Oh yeah, I saw the pictures! The one where you were with the Sweden people right?
Hina: That's amazing huh.
Yoko: Yeah.. we don't get that kinds of offers. Why do you think that's so? .. You guys do a lot of jobs huh? You did Hyoten and...
Hina: So many dramas!!
Yoko: And like.. what's that title?
Massu-: Waraeru Koi wa Shitakunai.
Hina: Yeah, laugh laugh. [b/c waraeru - can laugh]
Yoko: How is Waraeru Koi wa Shitakunai? You guys did so many jobs.. And you guys release a single together..
T&M: Yes

Yoko: Truthfully speaking, how much did you guys earn this year?
Hina: lol, you don't need to ask that!! [to TegoMass] You don't have to answer that. Sorry, sorry.You don't have to answer stuff you can't answer.
Yoko: Like truthfully.
Tegoshi: Truthfully right?
Yoko: Do you hire a tax accountant?
Tegoshi: Uhhh nopee.
Hina: Well like, in Tokyo the JE company does it for you.
Yoko: Oh the company does it for you?
Massu-: Oh, no they don't do it.
Yoko: So you do that by yourself huh? ... I see I see. And like..You're going to do more stuff next year right? Like you guys already have plans decided for stuff you can't tell yet anyway, right?
Tegoshi: Hmm, I wonder?
Hina: Well [you can tell] little by little.
Tegoshi: It be nice if we can do stuff.
Yoko: But you have plans already right? like really. about next year. [pause] ...even IF you can't tell right?
Tegoshi: uHHhH HmMM I wonderr....

Hina: Well well, like this [radio] is live.
Yoko: Well like the listeners would like to ask that.
Hina: Well yeah, that's true.
Yoko: SO, tell us as much as you can.
Massu-: Well like us.. let's see.
Yoko: Well just tell us if you already have definite plans.
Massu-: Definite plans..? Like.. right now we're working toward that plan.
Yoko: So that means you do have it right?
Hina: So youre saying that it'd be nice if what you did this year would pile up and lead up to what you guys do nexy year right?
Massu-: Yes. And so like right now is like a preperation time

Yoko: So, you might do something sugoi next year
Tegoshi: Yeah, there's a possibility
Massu-: Yes, we'd like to do that.
Yoko: So is that already definite?
Tegoshi: lol, Well, there's a possibility

Yoko: HAHA This is DEFENITELY already definite.
Hina: Well you don't know that.
Yoko: Like how you guys already new a little about "TegoMass" when you guys formed NEWS right?
Tegoshi: no~, we didnt know that!
Hina: Ah, they wouldn't have known if they were going to release a single.
Yoko: I see. How much are you guys thinking of raising next year?
Hina: What the heck do you want to ask?! ww
Yoko: About their plans?
Hina: Well like.. you'd like to raise as much as you can right?
Tegoshi: Yes, that's true.
Yoko: Aw, you guys are lucky.
Hina: You've got a drama though.
Yoko: Well like for me, it can't be helped.. they offered me it.

Yoko: It'd be good if the CD sold a lot right
Massu-: Yes, it'd be nice if like a lot of people would listen to it.
Yoko: Oh! You said it so purely!
Hina: Isn't that the regular way to say it? I mean, you'd want a lot of people to listen to it.
Yoko: I mean we're different. We just say "Buy alot!"
Yoko: And "Like we can't do concerts unless you buy it!!"
Hina: And "Oh we wont be able to do tours next time!!"
Tegoshi: Well, that's true.
Yoko: We say it bluntly. And our fans help us with that. Like they understand. They just think like "oh, theyre saying it again." [as opposed to like, thinking, gosh they just want money. theyre ordering us to buy it]
Hina: Well I mean Kanjani8 is crazy huh?

Hina: Okay, we're going to to have you guys for three hours!
T&M:Yes, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

LOL OMG YOKO <3 gosh, you're too good at making us hope for the best ne~. & yuya's so cuteee!! LOL in one of the SC where NEWS was making a slogan for each member describing their character, yuya's was "toire chikai kyara" or person who always goes to the bathroom xDD LOL YUYAA <3

im hoping this is the longest 5 min ill translate.. the other parts would hopefully be shorter..

translation, recomen

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