Hoorah!!! The TalkTalk is back online

Jul 06, 2007 18:36

Yesssss!! The internet is back on in our house! Well - it was back on the main pc yesturday but I just got it working on the laptop a few minutes ago. But the laptop, unfortunately, is still a pile of wacked-up barely-there mess.

After I get all my photos, icons, etc. etc. online today (hopefully today) I will reboot this damn thing. I already feel bad about the fact that half of what's in my Video Folder are gone.

And needless to say - bohemianbeauty's music list is a very tempting thing indeed. Fed up with what music I have on this piece, her list makes it hard to resist.

Anyways I will get a shower and then I will be back online again uploading pictures and whatever I can that is small sized. Then afterwards, if I can be assed, I will update on the last few days.

Here's something to indulge.
I didn't use to like this guy because... well let's just say it was during my growing-angsty-tweenagers years where pop stars didn't jell well with my likings. Ah well - I've always been more into JT in their N*Sync years (lol - hahaha - honestly) since I was just ye-high. Besides, since then opinions change, so does taste. The music ain't so bad either. Not the best but whatever.

On this Lovestoned I just like the video and the end bit when everything turns white otherwise the song is a.ok. Wish someone could chop off the bits in the beginning and middle and leave the end part though. Anyways enjoy if you will...

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justin timberlake, lovestoned

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