(no subject)

Jun 12, 2010 14:09

"Jade what is that squiggly stuff??"

Nepeta leaned over Jade's shoulder to get a better look at the computer screen, on which various random pictures of Earth culture and food and such were displayed. If the trolls were going to learn about Earth culture, the kids had reasoned, didn't it make more sense for it to be from the kids themselves?? The trolls that were actually willing to go along with this were mostly watching Dave's computer, where he had convinced them that Snoop Dogg was the Pope, but Nepeta had stayed with Jade, watching pictures of food go by.

"Um..." Jade maximized the picture in question, making it monumentally huge on her lunchtop screen. "That's spaghetti! It is noodles and you cook them and they get all squiggly."

A paw brushed over the holographic display as Nepeta grasped at the spaghetti picture, almost as if she was trying to pull it out of the screen. She turned to Jade, her eyes huge with desperation. "JADE WE HAVE TO MAKE SOME SPAWGHETTI RIGHT NOW."

And so the two went into the kitchen, boiling water as Nepeta talked Jade's ear off with questions.

"Does spawghetti taste good?? Is it all squiggly in your belly?? Does it have meat in it?! Do you put things on it that are tasty, should I get some leaves?!"

Jade dug through the cabinet of the indeterminate location's kitchen, pulling out a bag of spaghetti. "Yes, yes, um, it can, no leaves!! But we can make sauce."

And so they did. Sauce was made, noodles were cooked, and only a few dishes were permanently ruined in the chaos. The two girls looked proudly over their work which was only a little bit burned! Nepeta thoughtfully examined it for a moment, though, before suddenly jumping up.

"Jade Jade Jade!!" She excitedly jumped from foot to foot. "I will be RIGHT BACK, I just thought of a purrfect idea!!"

And she scampered out of the room, leaving Jade wondering what exactly had just happened! She shrugged and started working on cleaning the disaster area that had been created by the two excitable chefs.


A while later, Nepeta returned, carrying a surprise! "Ja--"

But Jade was asleep on the counter, happily dozing between the two bowls of spawghetti. Nepeta giggled and tossed her jacket over the girl before splitting the surprise into two portions, putting one half into Jade's bowl and the other half on her own! She grabbed her bowl and scampered away, excited about how much her friend would enjoy the surprise.

Jade eventually came to, sitting up drowsily on the counter and noting that Nepeta's bowl was gone- she guessed the cat had come back! Oh well. She reached for her own bowl of probably cold spawghetti--

And immediately just. Stared at it.

...And smiled in amusement.

It was the thought that counts, right?

And half a gazelle was certainly very thoughtful.
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